The action of bifunctors on graded objects #
Given a bifunctor F : C₁ ⥤ C₂ ⥤ C₃
and types I
and J
, we construct an obvious functor
mapBifunctor F I J : GradedObject I C₁ ⥤ GradedObject J C₂ ⥤ GradedObject (I × J) C₃
When we have a map p : I × J → K
and that suitable coproducts exists, we also get
a functor
mapBifunctorMap F p : GradedObject I C₁ ⥤ GradedObject J C₂ ⥤ GradedObject K C₃
In case p : I × I → I
is the addition on a monoid and F
is the tensor product on a monoidal
category C
, these definitions shall be used in order to construct a monoidal structure
on GradedObject I C
(TODO @joelriou).
Given a bifunctor F : C₁ ⥤ C₂ ⥤ C₃
and types I
and J
, this is the obvious
functor GradedObject I C₁ ⥤ GradedObject J C₂ ⥤ GradedObject (I × J) C₃
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Instances For
Given a bifunctor F : C₁ ⥤ C₂ ⥤ C₃
, graded objects X : GradedObject I C₁
Y : GradedObject J C₂
and a map p : I × J → K
, this is the K
-graded object sending
to the coproduct of (F.obj (X i)).obj (Y j)
for p ⟨i, j⟩ = k
- CategoryTheory.GradedObject.mapBifunctorMapObj F p X Y = CategoryTheory.GradedObject.mapObj (((CategoryTheory.GradedObject.mapBifunctor F I J).obj X).obj Y) p
Instances For
The inclusion of (F.obj (X i)).obj (Y j)
in mapBifunctorMapObj F p X Y k
when i + j = k
- CategoryTheory.GradedObject.ιMapBifunctorMapObj F p X Y i j k h = CategoryTheory.GradedObject.ιMapObj (((CategoryTheory.GradedObject.mapBifunctor F I J).obj X).obj Y) p (i, j) k h
Instances For
The maps mapBifunctorMapObj F p X₁ Y₁ ⟶ mapBifunctorMapObj F p X₂ Y₂
which express
the functoriality of mapBifunctorMapObj
, see mapBifunctorMap
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Instances For
Given a bifunctor F : C₁ ⥤ C₂ ⥤ C₃
and a map p : I × J → K
, this is the
functor GradedObject I C₁ ⥤ GradedObject J C₂ ⥤ GradedObject K C₃
X : GradedObject I C₁
and Y : GradedObject J C₂
to the K
-graded object sending
to the coproduct of (F.obj (X i)).obj (Y j)
for p ⟨i, j⟩ = k
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