

Injective objects and categories with enough injectives #

An object J is injective iff every morphism into J can be obtained by extending a monomorphism.

An object J is injective iff every morphism into J can be obtained by extending a monomorphism.


    An injective presentation of an object X consists of a monomorphism f : X ⟶ J to some injective object J.

    • J : C

      An injective presentation of an object X consists of a monomorphism f : X ⟶ J to some injective object J.

    • injective : CategoryTheory.Injective self.J

      An injective presentation of an object X consists of a monomorphism f : X ⟶ J to some injective object J.

    • f : X self.J

      An injective presentation of an object X consists of a monomorphism f : X ⟶ J to some injective object J.

    • mono : CategoryTheory.Mono self.f

      An injective presentation of an object X consists of a monomorphism f : X ⟶ J to some injective object J.

    Instances For

      A category "has enough injectives" if every object has an injective presentation, i.e. if for every object X there is an injective object J and a monomorphism X ↪ J.

      • presentation : ∀ (X : C), Nonempty (CategoryTheory.InjectivePresentation X)

        A category "has enough injectives" if every object has an injective presentation, i.e. if for every object X there is an injective object J and a monomorphism X ↪ J.


        Let J be injective and g a morphism into J, then g can be factored through any monomorphism.

        Instances For

          The axiom of choice says that every nonempty type is an injective object in Type.

          • =

          Injective.under X provides an arbitrarily chosen injective object equipped with a monomorphism Injective.ι : X ⟶ Injective.under X.

          Instances For

            The monomorphism Injective.ι : X ⟶ Injective.under X from the arbitrarily chosen injective object under X.

            Instances For
              @[inline, reducible]

              When C has enough injective, Injective.d f : Y ⟶ syzygies f is the composition cokernel.π fι (cokernel f).

              (When C is abelian, we have exact f (injective.d f).)

              Instances For

                Given a pair of exact morphism f : Q ⟶ R and g : R ⟶ S and a map h : R ⟶ J to an injective object J such that f ≫ h = 0, then g descents to a map S ⟶ J. See below:

                Q --- f --> R --- g --> S
                            | h
                Instances For

                  Given an adjunction F ⊣ G such that F preserves monos, G maps an injective presentation of X to an injective presentation of G(X).

                  Instances For

                    Given an adjunction F ⊣ G such that F preserves monomorphisms and is faithful, then any injective presentation of F(X) can be pulled back to an injective presentation of X. This is similar to mapInjectivePresentation.

                    Instances For

                      Given an equivalence of categories F, an injective presentation of F(X) induces an injective presentation of X.

                      Instances For