

The shift induced on a localized category #

Let C be a category equipped with a shift by a monoid A. A morphism property W on C satisfies W.IsCompatibleWithShift A when for all a : A, a morphism f is in W iff f⟦a⟧' is. When this compatibility is satisfied, then the corresponding localized category can be equipped with a shift by A, and the localization functor is compatible with the shift.

A morphism property W on a category C is compatible with the shift by a monoid A when for all a : A, a morphism f belongs to W if and only if f⟦a⟧' does.


    When L : C ⥤ D is a localization functor with respect to a morphism property W that is compatible with the shift by a monoid A on C, this is the induced shift on the category D.

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    Instances For

      The localization functor L : C ⥤ D is compatible with the shift.

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      Instances For