Cocontinuous functors between sites. #
We define cocontinuous functors between sites as functors that pull covering sieves back to covering sieves. This concept is also known as cover-lifting or cover-reflecting functors. We use the original terminology and definition of SGA 4 III 2.1. However, the notion of cocontinuous functor should not be confused with the general definition of cocontinuous functors between categories as functors preserving small colimits.
Main definitions #
: a functor between sites is cocontinuous if it pulls back covering sieves to covering sievesCategoryTheory.Functor.sheafPushforwardCocontinuous
: A cocontinuous functorG : (C, J) ⥤ (D, K)
induces a functorSheaf J A ⥤ Sheaf K A
Main results #
: IfG : C ⥤ D
is cocontinuous, thenRan G.op
) as a functor(Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A) ⥤ (Dᵒᵖ ⥤ A)
of presheaves maps sheaves to sheaves.CategoryTheory.Sites.pullbackCopullbackAdjunction
: IfG : (C, J) ⥤ (D, K)
is cocontinuous and continuous, thenG.sheafPushforwardContinuous A J K
andG.sheafPushforwardCocontinuous A J K
are adjoint.
References #
- [Elephant]: Sketches of an Elephant, P. T. Johnstone: C2.3.
- [S. MacLane, I. Moerdijk, Sheaves in Geometry and Logic][MM92]
A functor G : (C, J) ⥤ (D, K)
between sites is called cocontinuous (SGA 4 III 2.1)
if for all covering sieves R
in D
, R.pullback G
is a covering sieve in C
- cover_lift : ∀ {U : C} {S : CategoryTheory.Sieve (G.obj U)}, S ∈ K.sieves (G.obj U) → CategoryTheory.Sieve.functorPullback G S ∈ J.sieves U
The identity functor on a site is cocontinuous.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The composition of two cocontinuous functors is cocontinuous.
We will now prove that Ran G.op
) maps sheaves to sheaves if G
is cocontinuous (SGA 4 III 2.2). This can also be be found in
or D
has categorical
For the following proof sketch, ⊆
denotes the homs on C
and D
as in the topological analogy.
By definition, the presheaf 𝒢 : Dᵒᵖ ⥤ A
is a sheaf if for every sieve S
of U : D
, and every
compatible family of morphisms X ⟶ 𝒢(V)
for each V ⊆ U : S
with a fixed source X
we can glue them into a morphism X ⟶ 𝒢(U)
Since the presheaf 𝒢 := (Ran G.op).obj ℱ.val
is defined via 𝒢(U) = lim_{G(V) ⊆ U} ℱ(V)
, for
gluing the family x
into a X ⟶ 𝒢(U)
, it suffices to provide a X ⟶ ℱ(Y)
for each
G(Y) ⊆ U
. This can be done since { Y' ⊆ Y : G(Y') ⊆ U ∈ S}
is a covering sieve for Y
(by the cocontinuity G
). Thus the morphisms X ⟶ 𝒢(G(Y')) ⟶ ℱ(Y')
can be
glued into a morphism X ⟶ ℱ(Y)
. This is done in get_sections
In glued_limit_cone
, we verify these obtained sections are indeed compatible, and thus we obtain
A X ⟶ 𝒢(U)
. The remaining work is to verify that this is indeed the amalgamation and is unique.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The family of morphisms X ⟶ 𝒢(G(Y')) ⟶ ℱ(Y')
defined on { Y' ⊆ Y : G(Y') ⊆ U ∈ S}
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Instances For
Given a G(Y) ⊆ U
, we can find a unique section X ⟶ ℱ(Y)
that agrees with x
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Instances For
The limit cone in order to glue the sections obtained via get_section
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Instances For
The section obtained by passing glued_limit_cone
into CategoryTheory.Limits.limit.lift
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Instances For
A helper lemma for the following two lemmas. Basically stating that if the section y : X ⟶ 𝒢(V)
coincides with x
on G(V')
for all G(V') ⊆ V ∈ S
, then X ⟶ 𝒢(V) ⟶ ℱ(W)
is indeed the
section obtained in get_sections
. That said, this is littered with some more categorical jargon
in order to be applied in the following lemmas easier.
Verify that the glued_section
is an amalgamation of x
Verify that the amalgamation is indeed unique.
If G
is cocontinuous, then Ran G.op
pushes sheaves to sheaves.
This result is basically,
but without the condition that C
or D
has pullbacks.
A cover-lifting functor induces a pushforward functor on categories of sheaves.
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Instances For
Given a functor between sites that is continuous and cocontinuous,
the pushforward for the continuous functor G
is left adjoint to
the pushforward for the cocontinuous functor G
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Instances For
The natural isomorphism exhibiting compatibility between pushforward and sheafification.
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