Internal hom of sheaves
In this file, given two sheaves F
and G
on a site (C, J)
with values
in a category A
, we define a sheaf of types
sheafHom F G
which sends X : C
to the type of morphisms
between the restrictions of F
and G
to the categories Over X
We first define presheafHom F G
when F
and G
presheaves Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A
and show that it is a sheaf when G
is a sheaf.
- turn both
into bifunctors - for a sheaf of types
, thesheafHom
functor fromF
is right-adjoint to the product functor withF
, i.e. for allX
, there is a natural bijection(X ⨯ F ⟶ Y) ≃ (X ⟶ sheafHom F Y)
. - use these results in order to show that the category of sheaves of types is Cartesian closed
Given two presheaves F
and G
on a category C
with values in a category A
this presheafHom F G
is the presheaf of types which sends an object X : C
to the type of morphisms between the "restrictions" of F
and G
to the category Over X
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Instances For
Equational lemma for the presheaf structure on presheafHom
It is advisable to use this lemma rather than dsimp [presheafHom]
which may result
in the need to prove equalities of objects in an Over
The sections of the presheaf presheafHom F G
identify to morphisms F ⟶ G
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Instances For
Auxiliary definition for presheafHom_isSheafFor
- hG x hx g = Exists.choose ⋯
Instances For
The underlying presheaf of sheafHom F G
. It is isomorphic to presheafHom F.1 G.1
(see sheafHom'Iso
), but has better definitional properties.
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Instances For
The canonical isomorphism sheafHom' F G ≅ presheafHom F.1 G.1
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Instances For
Given two sheaves F
and G
on a site (C, J)
with values in a category A
this sheafHom F G
is the sheaf of types which sends an object X : C
to the type of morphisms between the "restrictions" of F
and G
to the category Over X
- CategoryTheory.sheafHom F G = { val := CategoryTheory.sheafHom' F G, cond := ⋯ }
Instances For
The sections of the sheaf sheafHom F G
identify to morphisms F ⟶ G
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