Arborescences #
A quiver V
is an arborescence (or directed rooted tree) when we have a root vertex root : V
that for every b : V
there is a unique path from root
to b
Main definitions #
Quiver.Arborescence V
: a typeclass asserting thatV
is an arborescencearborescenceMk
: a convenient way of proving that a quiver is an arborescenceRootedConnected r
: a typeclass asserting that there is at least one path fromr
for everyb
.geodesicSubtree r
: given[RootedConnected r]
, this is a subquiver ofV
which contains just enough edges to include a shortest path fromr
for everyb
.geodesicArborescence : Arborescence (geodesicSubtree r)
: an instance saying that the geodesic subtree is an arborescence. This proves the directed analogue of 'every connected graph has a spanning tree'. This proof avoids the use of Zorn's lemma.
A quiver is an arborescence when there is a unique path from the default vertex to every other vertex.
- root : V
The root of the arborescence.
- uniquePath : (b : V) → Unique (Quiver.Path Quiver.Arborescence.root b)
There is a unique path from the root to any other vertex.
{V : Type u}
[Quiver V]
[Quiver.Arborescence V]
(b : V)
Unique (Quiver.Path (Quiver.root V) b)
noncomputable def
{V : Type u}
[Quiver V]
(r : V)
(height : V → ℕ)
(height_lt : ∀ ⦃a b : V⦄, (a ⟶ b) → height a < height b)
(unique_arrow : ∀ ⦃a b c : V⦄ (e : a ⟶ c) (f : b ⟶ c), a = b ∧ HEq e f)
(root_or_arrow : ∀ (b : V), b = r ∨ ∃ (a : V), Nonempty (a ⟶ b))
To show that [Quiver V]
is an arborescence with root r : V
, it suffices to
- provide a height function
V → ℕ
such that every arrow goes from a lower vertex to a higher vertex, - show that every vertex has at most one arrow to it, and
- show that every vertex other than
has an arrow to it.
- Quiver.arborescenceMk r height height_lt unique_arrow root_or_arrow = { root := r, uniquePath := fun (b : V) => { toInhabited := Classical.inhabited_of_nonempty ⋯, uniq := ⋯ } }
Instances For
RootedConnected r
means that there is a path from r
to any other vertex.
- nonempty_path : ∀ (b : V), Nonempty (Quiver.Path r b)
noncomputable def
{V : Type u}
[Quiver V]
(r : V)
[Quiver.RootedConnected r]
(b : V)
Quiver.Path r b
A path from r
of minimal length.
- Quiver.shortestPath r b = WellFounded.min ⋯ Set.univ ⋯
Instances For
{V : Type u}
[Quiver V]
(r : V)
[Quiver.RootedConnected r]
{a : V}
(p : Quiver.Path r a)
The length of a path is at least the length of the shortest path
A subquiver which by construction is an arborescence.
- Quiver.geodesicSubtree r a b = {e : a ⟶ b | ∃ (p : Quiver.Path r a), Quiver.shortestPath r b = Quiver.Path.cons p e}
Instances For
noncomputable instance
{V : Type u}
[Quiver V]
(r : V)
[Quiver.RootedConnected r]
- Quiver.geodesicArborescence r = Quiver.arborescenceMk r (fun (a : WideSubquiver.toType V (Quiver.geodesicSubtree r)) => Quiver.Path.length (Quiver.shortestPath r a)) ⋯ ⋯ ⋯