The functor from topological spaces to condensed sets #
This file builds on the API from the file TopCat.Yoneda
. If the forgetful functor to TopCat
nice properties, like preserving pullbacks and finite coproducts, then this Yoneda presheaf
satisfies the sheaf condition for the regular and extensive topologies respectively.
We apply this API to CompHaus
and define the functor
topCatToCondensed : TopCat.{u+1} ⥤ CondensedSet.{u}
Projects #
- Prove that
is faithful. - Define compactly generated topological spaces.
- Prove that
restricted to compactly generated spaces is fully faithful. - Define the left adjoint of the restriction mentioned in the previous point.
An auxiliary lemma to that allows us to use QuotientMap.lift
in the proof of
If G
preserves the relevant pullbacks and every effective epi in C
is a quotient map (which is
the case when C
is CompHaus
or Profinite
), then yonedaPresheaf
satisfies the equalizer
condition which is required to be a sheaf for the regular topology.
If G
preserves finite coproducts (which is the case when C
is CompHaus
, Profinite
), then yonedaPresheaf
preserves finite products, which is required to be a sheaf for
the extensive topology.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Associate to a (u+1)
-small topological space the corresponding condensed set, given by
Instances For
yields a functor from TopCat.{u+1}
to CondensedSet.{u}
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.