

Lists as Functions #

Definitions for using lists as finite representations of finitely-supported functions with domain ℕ.

These include pointwise operations on lists, as well as get and set operations.

Notations #

An index notation is introduced in this file for setting a particular element of a list. With as as a list m as an index, and a as a new element, the notation is as {m ↦ a}.

So, for example [1, 3, 5] {1 ↦ 9} would result in [1, 9, 5]

This notation is in the locale list.func.

def List.Func.neg {α : Type u} [Neg α] (as : List α) :
List α

Elementwise negation of a list

Instances For
    def List.Func.set {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] (a : α) :
    List αList α

    Update element of a list by index. If the index is out of range, extend the list with default elements

    Instances For

      Update element of a list by index. If the index is out of range, extend the list with default elements

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        def List.Func.get {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] :
        List αα

        Get element of a list by index. If the index is out of range, return the default element

        Instances For
          def List.Func.Equiv {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] (as1 : List α) (as2 : List α) :

          Pointwise equality of lists. If lists are different lengths, compare with the default element.

          Instances For
            def List.Func.pointwise {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} [Inhabited α] [Inhabited β] (f : αβγ) :
            List αList βList γ

            Pointwise operations on lists. If lists are different lengths, use the default element.

            Instances For
              def List.Func.add {α : Type u} [Zero α] [Add α] :
              List αList αList α

              Pointwise addition on lists. If lists are different lengths, use zero.

              Instances For
                def List.Func.sub {α : Type u} [Zero α] [Sub α] :
                List αList αList α

                Pointwise subtraction on lists. If lists are different lengths, use zero.

                Instances For
                  theorem List.Func.length_set {α : Type u} {a : α} [Inhabited α] {m : } {as : List α} :
                  theorem List.Func.get_nil {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] {k : } :
                  List.Func.get k [] = default
                  theorem List.Func.get_eq_default_of_le {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] (k : ) {as : List α} :
                  List.length as kList.Func.get k as = default
                  theorem List.Func.get_set {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] {a : α} {k : } {as : List α} :
                  theorem List.Func.eq_get_of_mem {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] {a : α} {as : List α} :
                  a as∃ (n : ), a = List.Func.get n as
                  theorem List.Func.mem_get_of_le {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] {n : } {as : List α} :
                  n < List.length asList.Func.get n as as
                  theorem List.Func.mem_get_of_ne_zero {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] {n : } {as : List α} :
                  List.Func.get n as defaultList.Func.get n as as
                  theorem List.Func.get_set_eq_of_ne {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] {a : α} {as : List α} (k : ) (m : ) :
                  theorem List.Func.get_map {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [Inhabited α] [Inhabited β] {f : αβ} {n : } {as : List α} :
                  n < List.length asList.Func.get n ( f as) = f (List.Func.get n as)
                  theorem List.Func.get_map' {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [Inhabited α] [Inhabited β] {f : αβ} {n : } {as : List α} :
                  f default = defaultList.Func.get n ( f as) = f (List.Func.get n as)
                  theorem List.Func.forall_val_of_forall_mem {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] {as : List α} {p : αProp} :
                  p default(∀ (x : α), x asp x)∀ (n : ), p (List.Func.get n as)
                  theorem List.Func.equiv_refl {α : Type u} {as : List α} [Inhabited α] :
                  theorem List.Func.equiv_symm {α : Type u} {as1 : List α} {as2 : List α} [Inhabited α] :
                  List.Func.Equiv as1 as2List.Func.Equiv as2 as1
                  theorem List.Func.equiv_trans {α : Type u} {as1 : List α} {as2 : List α} {as3 : List α} [Inhabited α] :
                  List.Func.Equiv as1 as2List.Func.Equiv as2 as3List.Func.Equiv as1 as3
                  theorem List.Func.equiv_of_eq {α : Type u} {as1 : List α} {as2 : List α} [Inhabited α] :
                  as1 = as2List.Func.Equiv as1 as2
                  theorem List.Func.eq_of_equiv {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] {as1 : List α} {as2 : List α} :
                  List.length as1 = List.length as2List.Func.Equiv as1 as2as1 = as2
                  theorem List.Func.get_neg {α : Type u} [AddGroup α] {k : } {as : List α} :
                  theorem List.Func.length_neg {α : Type u} [Neg α] (as : List α) :
                  theorem List.Func.nil_pointwise {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} [Inhabited α] [Inhabited β] {f : αβγ} (bs : List β) :
                  List.Func.pointwise f [] bs = (f default) bs
                  theorem List.Func.pointwise_nil {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} [Inhabited α] [Inhabited β] {f : αβγ} (as : List α) :
                  List.Func.pointwise f as [] = (fun (a : α) => f a default) as
                  theorem List.Func.get_pointwise {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} [Inhabited α] [Inhabited β] [Inhabited γ] {f : αβγ} (h1 : f default default = default) (k : ) (as : List α) (bs : List β) :
                  theorem List.Func.length_pointwise {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} [Inhabited α] [Inhabited β] {f : αβγ} {as : List α} {bs : List β} :
                  theorem List.Func.get_add {α : Type u} [AddMonoid α] {k : } {xs : List α} {ys : List α} :
                  theorem List.Func.length_add {α : Type u} [Zero α] [Add α] {xs : List α} {ys : List α} :
                  theorem List.Func.nil_add {α : Type u} [AddMonoid α] (as : List α) :
                  List.Func.add [] as = as
                  theorem List.Func.add_nil {α : Type u} [AddMonoid α] (as : List α) :
                  List.Func.add as [] = as
                  theorem List.Func.map_add_map {α : Type u} [AddMonoid α] (f : αα) (g : αα) {as : List α} :
                  List.Func.add ( f as) ( g as) = (fun (x : α) => f x + g x) as
                  theorem List.Func.get_sub {α : Type u} [AddGroup α] {k : } {xs : List α} {ys : List α} :
                  theorem List.Func.length_sub {α : Type u} [Zero α] [Sub α] {xs : List α} {ys : List α} :
                  theorem List.Func.nil_sub {α : Type u_1} [AddGroup α] (as : List α) :
                  theorem List.Func.sub_nil {α : Type u_1} [AddGroup α] (as : List α) :
                  List.Func.sub as [] = as