

Quotients of Polynomial Functors #

We assume the following:

We define:

The main goal is to construct:

We also show that the composition of qpfs is a qpf, and that the quotient of a qpf is a qpf.

The present theory focuses on the univariate case for qpfs

References #

class QPF (F : Type u → Type u) [Functor F] :
Type (u + 1)

Quotients of polynomial functors.

Roughly speaking, saying that F is a quotient of a polynomial functor means that for each α, elements of F α are represented by pairs ⟨a, f⟩, where a is the shape of the object and f indexes the relevant elements of α, in a suitably natural manner.

    theorem QPF.id_map {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (x : F α) :
    id <$> x = x
    theorem QPF.comp_map {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} {β : Type u} {γ : Type u} (f : αβ) (g : βγ) (x : F α) :
    (g f) <$> x = g <$> f <$> x
    theorem QPF.lawfulFunctor {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (h : ∀ (α β : Type u), Functor.mapConst = Function.const β) :
    theorem QPF.liftp_iff {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (p : αProp) (x : F α) :
    Functor.Liftp p x ∃ (a : (QPF.P F).A) (f : (QPF.P F).B aα), x = QPF.abs { fst := a, snd := f } ∀ (i : (QPF.P F).B a), p (f i)
    theorem QPF.liftp_iff' {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (p : αProp) (x : F α) :
    Functor.Liftp p x ∃ (u : (QPF.P F) α), QPF.abs u = x ∀ (i : (QPF.P F).B u.fst), p (u.snd i)
    theorem QPF.liftr_iff {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (r : ααProp) (x : F α) (y : F α) :
    Functor.Liftr r x y ∃ (a : (QPF.P F).A) (f₀ : (QPF.P F).B aα) (f₁ : (QPF.P F).B aα), x = QPF.abs { fst := a, snd := f₀ } y = QPF.abs { fst := a, snd := f₁ } ∀ (i : (QPF.P F).B a), r (f₀ i) (f₁ i)
    def QPF.recF {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (g : F αα) :
    PFunctor.W (QPF.P F)α

    does recursion on q.P.W using g : F α → α rather than g : P α → α

    Instances For
      theorem QPF.recF_eq {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (g : F αα) (x : PFunctor.W (QPF.P F)) :
      theorem QPF.recF_eq' {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (g : F αα) (a : (QPF.P F).A) (f : (QPF.P F).B aPFunctor.W (QPF.P F)) :
      QPF.recF g ( a f) = g (QPF.abs ( (QPF.P F) (QPF.recF g) { fst := a, snd := f }))
      inductive QPF.Wequiv {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :

      two trees are equivalent if their F-abstractions are

      Instances For
        theorem QPF.recF_eq_of_Wequiv {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (u : F αα) (x : PFunctor.W (QPF.P F)) (y : PFunctor.W (QPF.P F)) :
        QPF.Wequiv x yQPF.recF u x = QPF.recF u y

        recF is insensitive to the representation

        theorem QPF.Wequiv.abs' {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (x : PFunctor.W (QPF.P F)) (y : PFunctor.W (QPF.P F)) (h : QPF.abs (PFunctor.W.dest x) = QPF.abs (PFunctor.W.dest y)) :
        theorem QPF.Wequiv.refl {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (x : PFunctor.W (QPF.P F)) :
        theorem QPF.Wequiv.symm {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (x : PFunctor.W (QPF.P F)) (y : PFunctor.W (QPF.P F)) :
        def QPF.Wrepr {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :

        maps every element of the W type to a canonical representative

        Instances For
          theorem QPF.Wrepr_equiv {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (x : PFunctor.W (QPF.P F)) :
          def QPF.Wsetoid {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :

          Define the fixed point as the quotient of trees under the equivalence relation Wequiv.

          • QPF.Wsetoid = { r := QPF.Wequiv, iseqv := }
          Instances For
            def QPF.Fix (F : Type u → Type u) [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :

            inductive type defined as initial algebra of a Quotient of Polynomial Functor

            Instances For
              def QPF.Fix.rec {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (g : F αα) :
              QPF.Fix Fα

              recursor of a type defined by a qpf

              Instances For
                def QPF.fixToW {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :

                access the underlying W-type of a fixpoint data type

                Instances For
                  def {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (x : F (QPF.Fix F)) :

                  constructor of a type defined by a qpf

                  Instances For
                    def QPF.Fix.dest {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :
                    QPF.Fix FF (QPF.Fix F)

                    destructor of a type defined by a qpf

                    Instances For
                      theorem QPF.Fix.rec_eq {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (g : F αα) (x : F (QPF.Fix F)) :
                      theorem QPF.Fix.ind_aux {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (a : (QPF.P F).A) (f : (QPF.P F).B aPFunctor.W (QPF.P F)) :
             (QPF.abs { fst := a, snd := fun (x : (QPF.P F).B a) => f x }) = a f
                      theorem QPF.Fix.ind_rec {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (g₁ : QPF.Fix Fα) (g₂ : QPF.Fix Fα) (h : ∀ (x : F (QPF.Fix F)), g₁ <$> x = g₂ <$> xg₁ ( x) = g₂ ( x)) (x : QPF.Fix F) :
                      g₁ x = g₂ x
                      theorem QPF.Fix.rec_unique {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (g : F αα) (h : QPF.Fix Fα) (hyp : ∀ (x : F (QPF.Fix F)), h ( x) = g (h <$> x)) :
                      theorem QPF.Fix.mk_dest {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (x : QPF.Fix F) :
                      theorem QPF.Fix.dest_mk {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (x : F (QPF.Fix F)) :
                      theorem QPF.Fix.ind {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (p : QPF.Fix FProp) (h : ∀ (x : F (QPF.Fix F)), Functor.Liftp p xp ( x)) (x : QPF.Fix F) :
                      p x
                      def QPF.corecF {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (g : αF α) :
                      αPFunctor.M (QPF.P F)

                      does recursion on q.P.M using g : α → F α rather than g : α → P α

                      Instances For
                        theorem QPF.corecF_eq {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (g : αF α) (x : α) :
                        def QPF.IsPrecongr {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (r : PFunctor.M (QPF.P F)PFunctor.M (QPF.P F)Prop) :

                        A pre-congruence on q.P.M viewed as an F-coalgebra. Not necessarily symmetric.

                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For
                          def QPF.Mcongr {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :

                          The maximal congruence on q.P.M.

                          Instances For
                            def QPF.Cofix (F : Type u → Type u) [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :

                            coinductive type defined as the final coalgebra of a qpf

                            Instances For
                              instance QPF.instInhabitedCofix {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] [Inhabited (QPF.P F).A] :
                              • QPF.instInhabitedCofix = { default := QPF.Mcongr default }
                              def QPF.Cofix.corec {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (g : αF α) (x : α) :

                              corecursor for type defined by Cofix

                              Instances For
                                def QPF.Cofix.dest {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :
                                QPF.Cofix FF (QPF.Cofix F)

                                destructor for type defined by Cofix

                                Instances For
                                  theorem QPF.Cofix.dest_corec {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (g : αF α) (x : α) :
                                  theorem QPF.Cofix.bisim_rel {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (r : QPF.Cofix FQPF.Cofix FProp) (h : ∀ (x y : QPF.Cofix F), r x r <$> QPF.Cofix.dest x = r <$> QPF.Cofix.dest y) (x : QPF.Cofix F) (y : QPF.Cofix F) :
                                  r x yx = y
                                  theorem QPF.Cofix.bisim {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (r : QPF.Cofix FQPF.Cofix FProp) (h : ∀ (x y : QPF.Cofix F), r x yFunctor.Liftr r (QPF.Cofix.dest x) (QPF.Cofix.dest y)) (x : QPF.Cofix F) (y : QPF.Cofix F) :
                                  r x yx = y
                                  theorem QPF.Cofix.bisim' {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u_1} (Q : αProp) (u : αQPF.Cofix F) (v : αQPF.Cofix F) (h : ∀ (x : α), Q x∃ (a : (QPF.P F).A) (f : (QPF.P F).B aQPF.Cofix F) (f' : (QPF.P F).B aQPF.Cofix F), QPF.Cofix.dest (u x) = QPF.abs { fst := a, snd := f } QPF.Cofix.dest (v x) = QPF.abs { fst := a, snd := f' } ∀ (i : (QPF.P F).B a), ∃ (x' : α), Q x' f i = u x' f' i = v x') (x : α) :
                                  Q xu x = v x
                                  def QPF.comp {F₂ : Type u → Type u} [Functor F₂] [q₂ : QPF F₂] {F₁ : Type u → Type u} [Functor F₁] [q₁ : QPF F₁] :
                                  QPF (Functor.Comp F₂ F₁)

                                  composition of qpfs gives another qpf

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                                  Instances For
                                    def QPF.quotientQPF {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {G : Type u → Type u} [Functor G] {FG_abs : {α : Type u} → F αG α} {FG_repr : {α : Type u} → G αF α} (FG_abs_repr : ∀ {α : Type u} (x : G α), FG_abs (FG_repr x) = x) (FG_abs_map : ∀ {α β : Type u} (f : αβ) (x : F α), FG_abs (f <$> x) = f <$> FG_abs x) :
                                    QPF G

                                    Given a qpf F and a well-behaved surjection FG_abs from F α to functor G α, G is a qpf. We can consider G a quotient on F where elements x y : F α are in the same equivalence class if FG_abs x = FG_abs y.

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                                    Instances For
                                      theorem QPF.mem_supp {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (x : F α) (u : α) :
                                      u Functor.supp x ∀ (a : (QPF.P F).A) (f : (QPF.P F).B aα), QPF.abs { fst := a, snd := f } = xu f '' Set.univ
                                      theorem QPF.supp_eq {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (x : F α) :
                                      Functor.supp x = {u : α | ∀ (a : (QPF.P F).A) (f : (QPF.P F).B aα), QPF.abs { fst := a, snd := f } = xu f '' Set.univ}
                                      theorem QPF.has_good_supp_iff {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] {α : Type u} (x : F α) :
                                      (∀ (p : αProp), Functor.Liftp p x uFunctor.supp x, p u) ∃ (a : (QPF.P F).A) (f : (QPF.P F).B aα), QPF.abs { fst := a, snd := f } = x ∀ (a' : (QPF.P F).A) (f' : (QPF.P F).B a'α), QPF.abs { fst := a', snd := f' } = xf '' Set.univ f' '' Set.univ
                                      def QPF.IsUniform {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :

                                      A qpf is said to be uniform if every polynomial functor representing a single value all have the same range.

                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                      Instances For
                                        def QPF.LiftpPreservation {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :

                                        does abs preserve Liftp?

                                        Instances For
                                          def QPF.SuppPreservation {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :

                                          does abs preserve supp?

                                          Instances For
                                            theorem QPF.supp_eq_of_isUniform {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (h : QPF.IsUniform) {α : Type u} (a : (QPF.P F).A) (f : (QPF.P F).B aα) :
                                            Functor.supp (QPF.abs { fst := a, snd := f }) = f '' Set.univ
                                            theorem QPF.liftp_iff_of_isUniform {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (h : QPF.IsUniform) {α : Type u} (x : F α) (p : αProp) :
                                            Functor.Liftp p x uFunctor.supp x, p u
                                            theorem QPF.supp_map {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] (h : QPF.IsUniform) {α : Type u} {β : Type u} (g : αβ) (x : F α) :
                                            theorem QPF.suppPreservation_iff_uniform {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :
                                            QPF.SuppPreservation QPF.IsUniform
                                            theorem QPF.suppPreservation_iff_liftpPreservation {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :
                                            QPF.SuppPreservation QPF.LiftpPreservation
                                            theorem QPF.liftpPreservation_iff_uniform {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] [q : QPF F] :
                                            QPF.LiftpPreservation QPF.IsUniform