Possibly infinite lists #
This file provides a Seq α
type representing possibly infinite lists (referred here as sequences).
It is encoded as an infinite stream of options such that if f n = none
, then
f m = none
for all m ≥ n
Seq α
is the type of possibly infinite lists (referred here as sequences).
It is encoded as an infinite stream of options such that if f n = none
, then
f m = none
for all m ≥ n
- Stream'.Seq α = { f : Stream' (Option α) // Stream'.IsSeq f }
Instances For
The empty sequence
- Stream'.Seq.nil = { val := Stream'.const none, property := ⋯ }
Instances For
- Stream'.Seq.instInhabitedSeq = { default := Stream'.Seq.nil }
Prepend an element to a sequence
- Stream'.Seq.cons a s = { val := Stream'.cons (some a) ↑s, property := ⋯ }
Instances For
Get the nth element of a sequence (if it exists)
- Stream'.Seq.get? = Subtype.val
Instances For
A sequence has terminated at position n
if the value at position n
equals none
- Stream'.Seq.TerminatedAt s n = (Stream'.Seq.get? s n = none)
Instances For
It is decidable whether a sequence terminates at a given position.
A sequence terminates if there is some position n
at which it has terminated.
- Stream'.Seq.Terminates s = ∃ (n : ℕ), Stream'.Seq.TerminatedAt s n
Instances For
Get the first element of a sequence
Instances For
Get the tail of a sequence (or nil
if the sequence is nil
- Stream'.Seq.tail s = { val := Stream'.tail ↑s, property := ⋯ }
Instances For
- Stream'.Seq.instMembershipSeq = { mem := Stream'.Seq.Mem }
If a sequence terminated at position n
, it also terminated at m ≥ n
If s.get? n = some aₙ
for some value aₙ
, then there is also some value aₘ
that s.get? = some aₘ
for m ≤ n
Destructor for a sequence, resulting in either none
(for nil
) or
some (a, s)
(for cons a s
- Stream'.Seq.destruct s = (fun (a' : α) => (a', Stream'.Seq.tail s)) <$> Stream'.Seq.get? s 0
Instances For
Recursion principle for sequences, compare with List.recOn
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Instances For
Corecursor for Seq α
as a coinductive type. Iterates f
to produce new elements
of the sequence until none
is obtained.
- Stream'.Seq.corec f b = { val := Stream'.corec' (Stream'.Seq.Corec.f f) (some b), property := ⋯ }
Instances For
Bisimilarity relation over Option
of Seq1 α
Instances For
a relation is bisimilar if it meets the BisimO
- Stream'.Seq.IsBisimulation R = ∀ ⦃s₁ s₂ : Stream'.Seq α⦄, R s₁ s₂ → Stream'.Seq.BisimO R (Stream'.Seq.destruct s₁) (Stream'.Seq.destruct s₂)
Instances For
Embed a list as a sequence
Instances For
- Stream'.Seq.coeList = { coe := Stream'.Seq.ofList }
Embed an infinite stream as a sequence
- ↑s = { val := Stream'.map some s, property := ⋯ }
Instances For
- Stream'.Seq.coeStream = { coe := Stream'.Seq.ofStream }
Embed a LazyList α
as a sequence. Note that even though this
is non-meta, it will produce infinite sequences if used with
cyclic LazyList
s created by meta constructions.
- Stream'.Seq.ofLazyList = Stream'.Seq.corec fun (l : LazyList α) => match l with | LazyList.nil => none | LazyList.cons a l' => some (a, Thunk.get l')
Instances For
- Stream'.Seq.coeLazyList = { coe := Stream'.Seq.ofLazyList }
Translate a sequence to a list. This function will run forever if run on an infinite sequence.
Instances For
The sequence of natural numbers some 0, some 1, ...
Instances For
Append two sequences. If s₁
is infinite, then s₁ ++ s₂ = s₁
otherwise it puts s₂
at the location of the nil
in s₁
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Map a function over a sequence.
- Stream'.Seq.map f x = match x with | { val := s, property := al } => { val := Stream'.map (Option.map f) s, property := ⋯ }
Instances For
Flatten a sequence of sequences. (It is required that the
sequences be nonempty to ensure productivity; in the case
of an infinite sequence of nil
, the first element is never
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Remove the first n
elements from the sequence.
- Stream'.Seq.drop s 0 = s
- Stream'.Seq.drop s (Nat.succ n) = Stream'.Seq.tail (Stream'.Seq.drop s n)
Instances For
Take the first n
elements of the sequence (producing a list)
- Stream'.Seq.take 0 x = []
- Stream'.Seq.take (Nat.succ n) x = match Stream'.Seq.destruct x with | none => [] | some (x, r) => x :: Stream'.Seq.take n r
Instances For
Split a sequence at n
, producing a finite initial segment
and an infinite tail.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Stream'.Seq.splitAt 0 x = ([], x)
Instances For
Combine two sequences with a function
- Stream'.Seq.zipWith f s₁ s₂ = { val := fun (n : ℕ) => Option.map₂ f (Stream'.Seq.get? s₁ n) (Stream'.Seq.get? s₂ n), property := ⋯ }
Instances For
Pair two sequences into a sequence of pairs
- Stream'.Seq.zip = Stream'.Seq.zipWith Prod.mk
Instances For
Separate a sequence of pairs into two sequences
- Stream'.Seq.unzip s = (Stream'.Seq.map Prod.fst s, Stream'.Seq.map Prod.snd s)
Instances For
Enumerate a sequence by tagging each element with its index.
Instances For
Convert a sequence which is known to terminate into a list
- Stream'.Seq.toList s h = Stream'.Seq.take (Nat.find h) s
Instances For
Convert a sequence which is known not to terminate into a stream
- Stream'.Seq.toStream s h n = Option.get (Stream'.Seq.get? s n) ⋯
Instances For
Convert a sequence into either a list or a stream depending on whether it is finite or infinite. (Without decidability of the infiniteness predicate, this is not constructively possible.)
- Stream'.Seq.toListOrStream s = if h : Stream'.Seq.Terminates s then Sum.inl (Stream'.Seq.toList s h) else Sum.inr (Stream'.Seq.toStream s h)
Instances For
- Stream'.Seq.instFunctorSeq = { map := @Stream'.Seq.map, mapConst := fun {α β : Type u_1} => Stream'.Seq.map ∘ Function.const β }
Convert a sequence into a list, embedded in a computation to allow for the possibility of infinite sequences (in which case the computation never returns anything).
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Instances For
Convert a Seq1
to a sequence.
- Stream'.Seq1.toSeq x = match x with | (a, s) => Stream'.Seq.cons a s
Instances For
- Stream'.Seq1.coeSeq = { coe := Stream'.Seq1.toSeq }
Map a function on a Seq1
- Stream'.Seq1.map f x = match x with | (a, s) => (f a, Stream'.Seq.map f s)
Instances For
Flatten a nonempty sequence of nonempty sequences
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Instances For
The return
operator for the Seq1
which produces a singleton sequence.
- Stream'.Seq1.ret a = (a, Stream'.Seq.nil)
Instances For
- Stream'.Seq1.instInhabitedSeq1 = { default := Stream'.Seq1.ret default }
The bind
operator for the Seq1
which maps f
on each element of s
and appends the results together.
(Not all of s
may be evaluated, because the first few elements of s
may already produce an infinite result.)
- Stream'.Seq1.bind s f = Stream'.Seq1.join (Stream'.Seq1.map f s)