Ergodic maps of the additive circle #
This file contains proofs of ergodicity for maps of the additive circle.
Main definitions: #
: givenn : ℤ
such that1 < |n|
, the self mapy ↦ n • y
on the additive circle is ergodic (wrt the Haar measure).AddCircle.ergodic_nsmul
: givenn : ℕ
such that1 < n
, the self mapy ↦ n • y
on the additive circle is ergodic (wrt the Haar measure).AddCircle.ergodic_zsmul_add
: givenn : ℤ
such that1 < |n|
andx : AddCircle T
, the self mapy ↦ n • y + x
on the additive circle is ergodic (wrt the Haar measure).AddCircle.ergodic_nsmul_add
: givenn : ℕ
such that1 < n
andx : AddCircle T
, the self mapy ↦ n • y + x
on the additive circle is ergodic (wrt the Haar measure).
{T : ℝ}
[hT : Fact (0 < T)]
{s : Set (AddCircle T)}
(hs : MeasureTheory.NullMeasurableSet s MeasureTheory.volume)
{ι : Type u_1}
{l : Filter ι}
[Filter.NeBot l]
{u : ι → AddCircle T}
(hu₁ : ∀ (i : ι), u i +ᵥ s =ᶠ[ MeasureTheory.volume] s)
(hu₂ : Filter.Tendsto (addOrderOf ∘ u) l Filter.atTop)
s =ᶠ[ MeasureTheory.volume] ∅ ∨ s =ᶠ[ MeasureTheory.volume] Set.univ
If a null-measurable subset of the circle is almost invariant under rotation by a family of rational angles with denominators tending to infinity, then it must be almost empty or almost full.