The monoidal category structure on quadratic R-modules #
The monoidal structure is simply the structure on the underlying modules, where the tensor product
of two modules is equipped with the form constructed via QuadraticForm.tmul
As with the monoidal structure on ModuleCat
the universe level of the modules must be at least the universe level of the ring,
so that we have a monoidal unit.
For now, we simplify by insisting both universe levels are the same.
Implementation notes #
This file essentially mirrors Mathlib/Algebra/Category/AlgebraCat/Monoidal.lean
Auxiliary definition used to build QuadraticModuleCat.instMonoidalCategory
- QuadraticModuleCat.instMonoidalCategory.tensorObj X Y = QuadraticModuleCat.of (QuadraticForm.tmul X.form Y.form)
Instances For
Auxiliary definition used to build QuadraticModuleCat.instMonoidalCategory
We want this up front so that we can re-use it to define whiskerLeft
and whiskerRight
- QuadraticModuleCat.instMonoidalCategory.tensorHom f g = { toIsometry := QuadraticForm.Isometry.tmul f.toIsometry g.toIsometry }
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
forget₂ (QuadraticModuleCat R) (ModuleCat R)
as a monoidal functor.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯