Tensor product and direct limits commute with each other. #
Given a family of R
-modules Gᵢ
with a family of compatible R
-linear maps fᵢⱼ : Gᵢ → Gⱼ
every i ≤ j
and another R
-module M
, we have (limᵢ Gᵢ) ⊗ M
and lim (Gᵢ ⊗ M)
are isomorphic
as R
Main definitions: #
TensorProduct.directLimitLeft : DirectLimit G f ⊗[R] M ≃ₗ[R] DirectLimit (G · ⊗[R] M) (f ▷ M)
TensorProduct.directLimitRight : M ⊗[R] DirectLimit G f ≃ₗ[R] DirectLimit (M ⊗[R] G ·) (M ◁ f)
noncomputable def
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
{ι : Type u_2}
[DecidableEq ι]
[Preorder ι]
{G : ι → Type u_3}
[(i : ι) → AddCommGroup (G i)]
[(i : ι) → Module R (G i)]
(f : (i j : ι) → i ≤ j → G i →ₗ[R] G j)
(M : Type u_4)
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module R M]
(Module.DirectLimit (fun (x : ι) => TensorProduct R (G x) M) fun (i j : ι) (h : i ≤ j) =>
LinearMap.rTensor M (f i j h)) →ₗ[R] TensorProduct R (Module.DirectLimit G f) M
the map limᵢ (Gᵢ ⊗ M) → (limᵢ Gᵢ) ⊗ M
induced by the family of maps Gᵢ ⊗ M → (limᵢ Gᵢ) ⊗ M
given by gᵢ ⊗ m ↦ [gᵢ] ⊗ m
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
{ι : Type u_2}
[DecidableEq ι]
[Preorder ι]
{G : ι → Type u_3}
[(i : ι) → AddCommGroup (G i)]
[(i : ι) → Module R (G i)]
(f : (i j : ι) → i ≤ j → G i →ₗ[R] G j)
{M : Type u_4}
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module R M]
{i : ι}
(g : G i)
(m : M)
(TensorProduct.fromDirectLimit f M)
((Module.DirectLimit.of R ι (fun (x : ι) => TensorProduct R (G x) M)
(fun (i j : ι) (h : i ≤ j) => LinearMap.rTensor M (f i j h)) i)
(g ⊗ₜ[R] m)) = (Module.DirectLimit.of R ι (fun (i : ι) => G i) f i) g ⊗ₜ[R] m
noncomputable def
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
{ι : Type u_2}
[DecidableEq ι]
[Preorder ι]
{G : ι → Type u_3}
[(i : ι) → AddCommGroup (G i)]
[(i : ι) → Module R (G i)]
(f : (i j : ι) → i ≤ j → G i →ₗ[R] G j)
(M : Type u_4)
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module R M]
TensorProduct R (Module.DirectLimit G f) M →ₗ[R] Module.DirectLimit (fun (x : ι) => TensorProduct R (G x) M) fun (i j : ι) (h : i ≤ j) => LinearMap.rTensor M (f i j h)
the map (limᵢ Gᵢ) ⊗ M → limᵢ (Gᵢ ⊗ M)
from the bilinear map limᵢ Gᵢ → M → limᵢ (Gᵢ ⊗ M)
by the family of maps Gᵢ → M → limᵢ (Gᵢ ⊗ M)
where gᵢ ↦ m ↦ [gᵢ ⊗ m]
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
{ι : Type u_2}
[DecidableEq ι]
[Preorder ι]
{G : ι → Type u_3}
[(i : ι) → AddCommGroup (G i)]
[(i : ι) → Module R (G i)]
(f : (i j : ι) → i ≤ j → G i →ₗ[R] G j)
{M : Type u_4}
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module R M]
{i : ι}
(g : G i)
(m : M)
(TensorProduct.toDirectLimit f M) ((Module.DirectLimit.of R ι G f i) g ⊗ₜ[R] m) = (Module.DirectLimit.of R ι (fun (x : ι) => TensorProduct R (G x) M)
(fun (i j : ι) (h : i ≤ j) => LinearMap.rTensor M (f i j h)) i)
(g ⊗ₜ[R] m)
noncomputable def
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
{ι : Type u_2}
[DecidableEq ι]
[Preorder ι]
{G : ι → Type u_3}
[(i : ι) → AddCommGroup (G i)]
[(i : ι) → Module R (G i)]
(f : (i j : ι) → i ≤ j → G i →ₗ[R] G j)
(M : Type u_4)
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module R M]
[IsDirected ι fun (x x_1 : ι) => x ≤ x_1]
TensorProduct R (Module.DirectLimit G f) M ≃ₗ[R] Module.DirectLimit (fun (x : ι) => TensorProduct R (G x) M) fun (i j : ι) (h : i ≤ j) => LinearMap.rTensor M (f i j h)
limᵢ (Gᵢ ⊗ M)
and (limᵢ Gᵢ) ⊗ M
are isomorphic as modules
Instances For
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
{ι : Type u_2}
[DecidableEq ι]
[Preorder ι]
{G : ι → Type u_3}
[(i : ι) → AddCommGroup (G i)]
[(i : ι) → Module R (G i)]
(f : (i j : ι) → i ≤ j → G i →ₗ[R] G j)
(M : Type u_4)
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module R M]
[IsDirected ι fun (x x_1 : ι) => x ≤ x_1]
{i : ι}
(g : G i)
(m : M)
(TensorProduct.directLimitLeft f M) ((Module.DirectLimit.of R ι (fun (i : ι) => G i) f i) g ⊗ₜ[R] m) = (Module.DirectLimit.of R ι (fun (i : ι) => TensorProduct R (G i) M)
(fun (i j : ι) (h : i ≤ j) => LinearMap.rTensor M (f i j h)) i)
(g ⊗ₜ[R] m)
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
{ι : Type u_2}
[DecidableEq ι]
[Preorder ι]
{G : ι → Type u_3}
[(i : ι) → AddCommGroup (G i)]
[(i : ι) → Module R (G i)]
(f : (i j : ι) → i ≤ j → G i →ₗ[R] G j)
(M : Type u_4)
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module R M]
[IsDirected ι fun (x x_1 : ι) => x ≤ x_1]
{i : ι}
(g : G i)
(m : M)
(LinearEquiv.symm (TensorProduct.directLimitLeft f M))
((Module.DirectLimit.of R ι (fun (x : ι) => TensorProduct R (G x) M)
(fun (i j : ι) (h : i ≤ j) => LinearMap.rTensor M (f i j h)) i)
(g ⊗ₜ[R] m)) = (Module.DirectLimit.of R ι (fun (i : ι) => G i) f i) g ⊗ₜ[R] m
noncomputable def
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
{ι : Type u_2}
[DecidableEq ι]
[Preorder ι]
{G : ι → Type u_3}
[(i : ι) → AddCommGroup (G i)]
[(i : ι) → Module R (G i)]
(f : (i j : ι) → i ≤ j → G i →ₗ[R] G j)
(M : Type u_4)
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module R M]
[IsDirected ι fun (x x_1 : ι) => x ≤ x_1]
TensorProduct R M (Module.DirectLimit G f) ≃ₗ[R] Module.DirectLimit (fun (x : ι) => TensorProduct R M (G x)) fun (i j : ι) (h : i ≤ j) => LinearMap.lTensor M (f i j h)
M ⊗ (limᵢ Gᵢ)
and limᵢ (M ⊗ Gᵢ)
are isomorphic as modules
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
{ι : Type u_2}
[DecidableEq ι]
[Preorder ι]
{G : ι → Type u_3}
[(i : ι) → AddCommGroup (G i)]
[(i : ι) → Module R (G i)]
(f : (i j : ι) → i ≤ j → G i →ₗ[R] G j)
(M : Type u_4)
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module R M]
[IsDirected ι fun (x x_1 : ι) => x ≤ x_1]
{i : ι}
(m : M)
(g : G i)
(TensorProduct.directLimitRight f M) (m ⊗ₜ[R] (Module.DirectLimit.of R ι (fun (i : ι) => G i) f i) g) = (Module.DirectLimit.of R ι (fun (x : ι) => TensorProduct R M (G x))
(fun (i j : ι) (h : i ≤ j) => LinearMap.lTensor M (f i j h)) i)
(m ⊗ₜ[R] g)
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
{ι : Type u_2}
[DecidableEq ι]
[Preorder ι]
{G : ι → Type u_3}
[(i : ι) → AddCommGroup (G i)]
[(i : ι) → Module R (G i)]
(f : (i j : ι) → i ≤ j → G i →ₗ[R] G j)
(M : Type u_4)
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module R M]
[IsDirected ι fun (x x_1 : ι) => x ≤ x_1]
{i : ι}
(m : M)
(g : G i)
(LinearEquiv.symm (TensorProduct.directLimitRight f M))
((Module.DirectLimit.of R ι (fun (x : ι) => TensorProduct R M (G x))
(fun (i j : ι) (h : i ≤ j) => LinearMap.lTensor M (f i j h)) i)
(m ⊗ₜ[R] g)) = m ⊗ₜ[R] (Module.DirectLimit.of R ι (fun (i : ι) => G i) f i) g