

Dirichlet Characters #

Let R be a commutative monoid with zero. A Dirichlet character χ of level n over R is a multiplicative character from ZMod n to R sending non-units to 0. We then obtain some properties of toUnitHom χ, the restriction of χ to a group homomorphism (ZMod n)ˣ →* Rˣ.

Main definitions:


Tags #

dirichlet character, multiplicative character

@[inline, reducible]
abbrev DirichletCharacter (R : Type u_1) [CommMonoidWithZero R] (n : ) :
Type u_1

The type of Dirichlet characters of level n.

Instances For
    theorem DirichletCharacter.toUnitHom_eq_char' {R : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero R] {n : } (χ : DirichletCharacter R n) {a : ZMod n} (ha : IsUnit a) :
    χ a = ((MulChar.toUnitHom χ) (IsUnit.unit ha))
    theorem DirichletCharacter.eval_modulus_sub {R : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero R] {n : } (χ : DirichletCharacter R n) (x : ZMod n) :
    χ (n - x) = χ (-x)
    theorem DirichletCharacter.periodic {R : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero R] {n : } (χ : DirichletCharacter R n) {m : } (hm : n m) :
    noncomputable def DirichletCharacter.changeLevel {R : Type u_2} [CommMonoidWithZero R] {n : } {m : } (hm : n m) :

    A function that modifies the level of a Dirichlet character to some multiple of its original level.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem DirichletCharacter.changeLevel_eq_cast_of_dvd {R : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero R] {n : } (χ : DirichletCharacter R n) {m : } (hm : n m) (a : (ZMod m)ˣ) :
      ((DirichletCharacter.changeLevel hm) χ) a = χ (ZMod.cast a)

      χ of level n factors through a Dirichlet character χ₀ of level d if d ∣ n and χ₀ = χ ∘ (ZMod n → ZMod d).

      Instances For

        The fact that d divides n when χ factors through a Dirichlet character at level d

        The Dirichlet character at level d through which χ factors

        Instances For
          theorem DirichletCharacter.level_one' {R : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero R] {n : } (χ : DirichletCharacter R n) (hn : n = 1) :
          χ = 1
          • DirichletCharacter.instInhabitedDirichletCharacter = { default := 1 }

          The set of natural numbers for which a Dirichlet character is periodic.

          Instances For
            noncomputable def DirichletCharacter.conductor {R : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero R] {n : } (χ : DirichletCharacter R n) :

            The minimum natural number n for which a Dirichlet character is periodic. The Dirichlet character χ can then alternatively be reformulated on ℤ/nℤ.

            Instances For

              A character is primitive if its level is equal to its conductor.

              Instances For

                The primitive character associated to a Dirichlet character.

                Instances For
                  noncomputable def DirichletCharacter.mul {R : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero R] {n : } {m : } (χ₁ : DirichletCharacter R n) (χ₂ : DirichletCharacter R m) :

                  Dirichlet character associated to multiplication of Dirichlet characters, after changing both levels to the same

                  Instances For

                    Primitive character associated to multiplication of Dirichlet characters, after changing both levels to the same

                    Instances For

                      A Dirichlet character is odd if its value at -1 is -1.

                      Instances For

                        A Dirichlet character is even if its value at -1 is 1.

                        Instances For
                          theorem DirichletCharacter.Odd.eval_neg {S : Type} [CommRing S] {m : } (ψ : DirichletCharacter S m) (x : ZMod m) (hψ : DirichletCharacter.Odd ψ) :
                          ψ (-x) = -ψ x
                          theorem DirichletCharacter.Even.eval_neg {S : Type} [CommRing S] {m : } (ψ : DirichletCharacter S m) (x : ZMod m) (hψ : DirichletCharacter.Even ψ) :
                          ψ (-x) = ψ x