Birkhoff representation #
This file proves two facts which together are commonly referred to as "Birkhoff representation":
- Any nonempty finite partial order is isomorphic to the partial order of sup-irreducible elements in its lattice of lower sets.
- Any nonempty finite distributive lattice is isomorphic to the lattice of lower sets of its partial order of sup-irreducible elements.
Main declarations #
For a finite nonempty partial order α
is isomorphic to the order of its irreducible lower sets.
If α
is moreover a distributive lattice:
is isomorphic to the lattice of lower sets of its irreducible elements.OrderEmbedding.birkhoffSet
: Order embedding ofα
into the powerset lattice of its irreducible elements.LatticeHom.birkhoffSet
: Same as the previous two, but bundled as an injective lattice homomorphism.exists_birkhoff_representation
embeds into some powerset algebra. You should prefer using this over the explicit Birkhoff embedding because the Birkhoff embedding is littered with decidability footguns that this existential-packaged version can afford to avoid.
See also #
These results form the object part of finite Stone duality: the functorial contravariant equivalence between the category of finite distributive lattices and the category of finite partial orders. TODO: extend to morphisms.
References #
- [G. Birkhoff, Rings of sets][birkhoff1937]
Tags #
birkhoff, representation, stone duality, lattice embedding
The Birkhoff Embedding of a finite partial order as sup-irreducible elements in its lattice of lower sets.
- OrderEmbedding.supIrredLowerSet = { toEmbedding := { toFun := fun (a : α) => { val := LowerSet.Iic a, property := ⋯ }, inj' := ⋯ }, map_rel_iff' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The Birkhoff Embedding of a finite partial order as inf-irreducible elements in its lattice of lower sets.
- OrderEmbedding.infIrredUpperSet = { toEmbedding := { toFun := fun (a : α) => { val := UpperSet.Ici a, property := ⋯ }, inj' := ⋯ }, map_rel_iff' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Birkhoff Representation for partial orders. Any partial order is isomorphic to the partial order of sup-irreducible elements in its lattice of lower sets.
- OrderIso.supIrredLowerSet = RelIso.ofSurjective OrderEmbedding.supIrredLowerSet ⋯
Instances For
Birkhoff Representation for partial orders. Any partial order is isomorphic to the partial order of inf-irreducible elements in its lattice of upper sets.
- OrderIso.infIrredUpperSet = RelIso.ofSurjective OrderEmbedding.infIrredUpperSet ⋯
Instances For
Birkhoff Representation for finite distributive lattices. Any nonempty finite distributive lattice is isomorphic to the lattice of lower sets of its sup-irreducible elements.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Birkhoff's Representation Theorem. Any finite distributive lattice can be embedded in a powerset lattice.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Birkhoff's Representation Theorem. Any finite distributive lattice can be embedded in a powerset lattice.
- OrderEmbedding.birkhoffFinset = RelEmbedding.trans OrderEmbedding.birkhoffSet (OrderIso.toOrderEmbedding (OrderIso.symm Fintype.finsetOrderIsoSet))
Instances For
Birkhoff's Representation Theorem. Any finite distributive lattice can be embedded in a powerset lattice.
- LatticeHom.birkhoffSet = { toSupHom := { toFun := ⇑OrderEmbedding.birkhoffSet, map_sup' := ⋯ }, map_inf' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Birkhoff's Representation Theorem. Any finite distributive lattice can be embedded in a powerset lattice.
- LatticeHom.birkhoffFinset = { toSupHom := { toFun := ⇑OrderEmbedding.birkhoffFinset, map_sup' := ⋯ }, map_inf' := ⋯ }