Conditional cumulative distribution function #
Given ρ : Measure (α × ℝ)
, we define the conditional cumulative distribution function
(conditional cdf) of ρ
. It is a function condCDF ρ : α → ℝ → ℝ
such that if ρ
is a finite
measure, then for all a : α
condCDF ρ a
is monotone and right-continuous with limit 0 at -∞
and limit 1 at +∞, and such that for all x : ℝ
, a ↦ condCDF ρ a x
is measurable. For all
x : ℝ
and measurable set s
, that function satisfies
∫⁻ a in s, ennreal.of_real (condCDF ρ a x) ∂ρ.fst = ρ (s ×ˢ Iic x)
is build from the more general tools about kernel CDFs developed in the file
. In that file, we build a function
α × β → StieltjesFunction
(which is α × β → ℝ → ℝ
with additional properties) from a function
α × β → ℚ → ℝ
. The restriction to ℚ
allows to prove some properties like measurability more
easily. Here we apply that construction to the case β = Unit
and then drop β
to build
condCDF : α → StieltjesFunction
Main definitions #
ProbabilityTheory.condCDF ρ : α → StieltjesFunction
: the conditional cdf ofρ : Measure (α × ℝ)
. AStieltjesFunction
is a functionℝ → ℝ
which is monotone and right-continuous.
Main statements #
: for alla : α
andx : ℝ
, all measurable sets
,∫⁻ a in s, ENNReal.ofReal (condCDF ρ a x) ∂ρ.fst = ρ (s ×ˢ Iic x)
Measure on α
such that for a measurable set s
, ρ.IicSnd r s = ρ (s ×ˢ Iic r)
- MeasureTheory.Measure.IicSnd ρ r = MeasureTheory.Measure.fst (ρ.restrict (Set.univ ×ˢ Set.Iic r))
Instances For
Auxiliary definitions #
We build towards the definition of ProbabilityTheory.condCDF
. We first define
, a function defined on α × ℚ
with the properties of a cdf almost
is the Radon-Nikodym derivative of ρ.IicSnd
with respect to ρ.fst
at each
r : ℚ
. This function ℚ → α → ℝ≥0∞
is such that for almost all a : α
, the function ℚ → ℝ≥0∞
satisfies the properties of a cdf (monotone with limit 0 at -∞ and 1 at +∞, right-continuous).
We define this function on ℚ
and not ℝ
because ℚ
is countable, which allows us to prove
properties of the form ∀ᵐ a ∂ρ.fst, ∀ q, P (preCDF q a)
, instead of the weaker
∀ q, ∀ᵐ a ∂ρ.fst, P (preCDF q a)
- ProbabilityTheory.preCDF ρ r = (MeasureTheory.Measure.IicSnd ρ ↑r).rnDeriv (MeasureTheory.Measure.fst ρ)
Instances For
Conditional cdf #
Conditional cdf of the measure given the value on α
, as a Stieltjes function.
- ProbabilityTheory.condCDF ρ a = ProbabilityTheory.stieltjesOfMeasurableRat (fun (a : α) (r : ℚ) => (ProbabilityTheory.preCDF ρ r a).toReal) ⋯ a
Instances For
The conditional cdf is non-negative for all a : α
The conditional cdf is lower or equal to 1 for all a : α
The conditional cdf tends to 0 at -∞ for all a : α
The conditional cdf tends to 1 at +∞ for all a : α
The conditional cdf is a measurable function of a : α
for all x : ℝ
The conditional cdf is a strongly measurable function of a : α
for all x : ℝ
- ⋯ = ⋯
The function a ↦ (condCDF ρ a).measure
is measurable.