Homogeneous polynomials #
A multivariate polynomial φ
is homogeneous of degree n
if all monomials occurring in φ
have degree n
Main definitions/lemmas #
IsHomogeneous φ n
: a predicate that asserts thatφ
is homogeneous of degreen
.homogeneousSubmodule σ R n
: the submodule of homogeneous polynomials of degreen
.homogeneousComponent n
: the additive morphism that projects polynomials onto their summand that is homogeneous of degreen
: every polynomial is the sum of its homogeneous components.
A multivariate polynomial φ
is homogeneous of degree n
if all monomials occurring in φ
have degree n
- MvPolynomial.IsHomogeneous φ n = ∀ ⦃d : σ →₀ ℕ⦄, MvPolynomial.coeff d φ ≠ 0 → (Finset.sum d.support fun (i : σ) => d i) = n
Instances For
The submodule of homogeneous MvPolynomial
s of degree n
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Instances For
While equal, the former has a convenient definitional reduction.
Alias of MvPolynomial.isHomogeneous_C_mul_X
The homogeneous degree bounds the total degree.
See also MvPolynomial.IsHomogeneous.totalDegree
when φ
is non-zero.
See MvPolynomial.IsHomogeneous.eq_zero_of_forall_eval_eq_zero
for a version that assumes Infinite R
See MvPolynomial.IsHomogeneous.funext
for a version that assumes Infinite R
See MvPolynomial.IsHomogeneous.eq_zero_of_forall_eval_eq_zero_of_le_card
for a version that assumes n ≤ #R
See MvPolynomial.IsHomogeneous.funext_of_le_card
for a version that assumes n ≤ #R
The homogeneous submodules form a graded ring. This instance is used by DirectSum.commSemiring
and DirectSum.algebra
- ⋯ = ⋯
homogeneousComponent n φ
is the part of φ
that is homogeneous of degree n
See sum_homogeneousComponent
for the statement that φ
is equal to the sum
of all its homogeneous components.
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