Weighted homogeneous polynomials #
It is possible to assign weights (in a commutative additive monoid M
) to the variables of a
multivariate polynomial ring, so that monomials of the ring then have a weighted degree with
respect to the weights of the variables. The weights are represented by a function w : σ → M
where σ
are the indeterminates.
A multivariate polynomial φ
is weighted homogeneous of weighted degree m : M
if all monomials
occurring in φ
have the same weighted degree m
Main definitions/lemmas #
weightedTotalDegree' w φ
: the weighted total degree of a multivariate polynomial with respect to the weightsw
, taking values inWithBot M
. -
weightedTotalDegree w φ
: WhenM
has a⊥
element, we can define the weighted total degree of a multivariate polynomial as a function taking values inM
. -
IsWeightedHomogeneous w φ m
: a predicate that asserts thatφ
is weighted homogeneous of weighted degreem
with respect to the weightsw
. -
weightedHomogeneousSubmodule R w m
: the submodule of homogeneous polynomials of weighted degreem
. -
weightedHomogeneousComponent w m
: the additive morphism that projects polynomials onto their summand that is weighted homogeneous of degreen
with respect tow
. -
: every polynomial is the sum of its weighted homogeneous components.
The weightedDegree'
of the finitely supported function s : σ →₀ ℕ
is the sum
∑(s i)•(w i)
Instances For
The weighted total degree of a multivariate polynomial, taking values in WithBot M
- MvPolynomial.weightedTotalDegree' w p = Finset.sup (MvPolynomial.support p) fun (s : σ →₀ ℕ) => ↑((MvPolynomial.weightedDegree' w) s)
Instances For
The weightedTotalDegree'
of a polynomial p
is ⊥
if and only if p = 0
The weightedTotalDegree'
of the zero polynomial is ⊥
When M
has a ⊥
element, we can define the weighted total degree of a multivariate
polynomial as a function taking values in M
- MvPolynomial.weightedTotalDegree w p = Finset.sup (MvPolynomial.support p) fun (s : σ →₀ ℕ) => (MvPolynomial.weightedDegree' w) s
Instances For
This lemma relates weightedTotalDegree
and weightedTotalDegree'
The weightedTotalDegree
of the zero polynomial is ⊥
A multivariate polynomial φ
is weighted homogeneous of weighted degree m
if all monomials
occurring in φ
have weighted degree m
- MvPolynomial.IsWeightedHomogeneous w φ m = ∀ ⦃d : σ →₀ ℕ⦄, MvPolynomial.coeff d φ ≠ 0 → (MvPolynomial.weightedDegree' w) d = m
Instances For
The submodule of homogeneous MvPolynomial
s of degree n
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The submodule weightedHomogeneousSubmodule R w m
of homogeneous MvPolynomial
s of
degree n
is equal to the R
-submodule of all p : (σ →₀ ℕ) →₀ R
such that
p.support ⊆ {d | weightedDegree' w d = m}
. While equal, the former has a
convenient definitional reduction.
The submodule generated by products Pm * Pn
of weighted homogeneous polynomials of degrees m
and n
is contained in the submodule of weighted homogeneous polynomials of degree m + n
Monomials are weighted homogeneous.
A polynomial of weightedTotalDegree ⊥
is weighted_homogeneous of degree ⊥
Constant polynomials are weighted homogeneous of degree 0.
0 is weighted homogeneous of any degree.
1 is weighted homogeneous of degree 0.
An indeterminate i : σ
is weighted homogeneous of degree w i
The weighted degree of a weighted homogeneous polynomial controls its support.
The weighted degree of a nonzero weighted homogeneous polynomial is well-defined.
The sum of two weighted homogeneous polynomials of degree n
is weighted homogeneous of
weighted degree n
The sum of weighted homogeneous polynomials of degree n
is weighted homogeneous of
weighted degree n
The product of weighted homogeneous polynomials of weighted degrees m
and n
is weighted
homogeneous of weighted degree m + n
A product of weighted homogeneous polynomials is weighted homogeneous, with weighted degree equal to the sum of the weighted degrees.
A non zero weighted homogeneous polynomial of weighted degree n
has weighted total degree
The weighted homogeneous submodules form a graded monoid.
- ⋯ = ⋯
weightedHomogeneousComponent w n φ
is the part of φ
that is weighted homogeneous of
weighted degree n
, with respect to the weights w
See sum_weightedHomogeneousComponent
for the statement that φ
is equal to the sum
of all its weighted homogeneous components.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The n
weighted homogeneous component of a polynomial is weighted homogeneous of
weighted degree n
Every polynomial is the sum of its weighted homogeneous components.
The weighted homogeneous components of a weighted homogeneous polynomial.
If M
is a CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid
, then the weightedHomogeneousComponent
of weighted degree 0
of a polynomial is its constant coefficient.