Dyadic numbers #
Dyadic numbers are obtained by localizing ℤ away from 2. They are the initial object in the category of rings with no 2-torsion.
Dyadic surreal numbers #
We construct dyadic surreal numbers using the canonical map from ℤ[2 ^ {-1}] to surreals.
As we currently do not have a ring structure on Surreal
we construct this map explicitly. Once we
have the ring structure, this map can be constructed directly by sending 2 ^ {-1}
to half
Embeddings #
The above construction gives us an abelian group embedding of ℤ into Surreal
. The goal is to
extend this to an embedding of dyadic rationals into Surreal
and use Cauchy sequences of dyadic
rational numbers to construct an ordered field embedding of ℝ into Surreal
For a natural number n
, the pre-game powHalf (n + 1)
is recursively defined as
{0 | powHalf n}
. These are the explicit expressions of powers of 1 / 2
. By definition, we have
powHalf 0 = 1
and powHalf 1 ≈ 1 / 2
and we prove later on that
powHalf (n + 1) + powHalf (n + 1) ≈ powHalf n
Instances For
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For all natural numbers n
, the pre-games powHalf n
are numeric.
Powers of the surreal number half
- Surreal.powHalf n = ⟦{ val := SetTheory.PGame.powHalf n, property := ⋯ }⟧
Instances For
The additive monoid morphism dyadicMap
sends ⟦⟨m, 2^n⟩⟧ to m • half ^ n.
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