Explicit limits and colimits #
This file collects some constructions of explicit limits and colimits in Profinite
which may be useful due to their definitional properties.
Main definitions #
: Explicit pullback, defined in the "usual" way as a subset of the product.Profinite.finiteCoproduct
: Explicit finite coproducts, defined as a disjoint union.
The pullback of two morphisms f, g
in Profinite
, constructed explicitly as the set of
pairs (x, y)
such that f x = g y
, with the topology induced by the product.
- Profinite.pullback f g = Profinite.of ↑{xy : ↑X.toCompHaus.toTop × ↑Y.toCompHaus.toTop | f xy.1 = g xy.2}
Instances For
The projection from the pullback to the first component.
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Instances For
The projection from the pullback to the second component.
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Instances For
Construct a morphism to the explicit pullback given morphisms to the factors which are compatible with the maps to the base. This is essentially the universal property of the pullback.
- Profinite.pullback.lift f g a b w = { toFun := fun (z : ↑Z.toCompHaus.toTop) => { val := (a z, b z), property := ⋯ }, continuous_toFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
The homeomorphism from the explicit pullback to the abstract pullback.
Instances For
The coproduct of a finite family of objects in Profinite
, constructed as the disjoint
union with its usual topology.
- Profinite.finiteCoproduct X = Profinite.of ((a : α) × ↑(X a).toCompHaus.toTop)
Instances For
The inclusion of one of the factors into the explicit finite coproduct.
- Profinite.finiteCoproduct.ι X a = { toFun := fun (x : ↑(X a).toCompHaus.toTop) => { fst := a, snd := x }, continuous_toFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
To construct a morphism from the explicit finite coproduct, it suffices to specify a morphism from each of its factors. This is essentially the universal property of the coproduct.
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Instances For
The coproduct cocone associated to the explicit finite coproduct.
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Instances For
The explicit finite coproduct cocone is a colimit cocone.
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Instances For
The isomorphism from the explicit finite coproducts to the abstract coproduct.
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Instances For
The homeomorphism from the explicit finite coproducts to the abstract coproduct.
Instances For
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