Lindelöf sets and Lindelöf spaces #
Main definitions #
We define the following properties for sets in a topological space:
IsLindelof s
: Two definitions are possible here. The more standard definition is that every open cover that containss
contains a countable subcover. We choose for the equivalent definition where we require that every nontrivial filter ons
with the countable intersection property has a clusterpoint. Equivalence is established inisLindelof_iff_countable_subcover
.LindelofSpace X
is Lindelöf if it is Lindelöf as a set.NonLindelofSpace
: a space that is not a Lindëlof space, e.g. the Long Line.
Main results #
: A set is Lindelöf iff every open cover has a countable subcover.
Implementation details #
- This API is mainly based on the API for IsCompact and follows notation and style as much as possible.
A set s
is Lindelöf if every nontrivial filter f
with the countable intersection
property that contains s
, has a clusterpoint in s
. The filter-free definition is given by
- IsLindelof s = ∀ ⦃f : Filter X⦄ [inst_1 : Filter.NeBot f] [inst_2 : CountableInterFilter f], f ≤ Filter.principal s → ∃ x ∈ s, ClusterPt x f
Instances For
The complement to a Lindelöf set belongs to a filter f
with the countable intersection
property if it belongs to each filter 𝓝 x ⊓ f
, x ∈ s
The complement to a Lindelöf set belongs to a filter f
with the countable intersection
property if each x ∈ s
has a neighborhood t
within s
such that tᶜ
belongs to f
If p : Set X → Prop
is stable under restriction and union, and each point x
of a Lindelöf set s
has a neighborhood t
within s
such that p t
, then p s
The intersection of a Lindelöf set and a closed set is a Lindelöf set.
The intersection of a closed set and a Lindelöf set is a Lindelöf set.
The set difference of a Lindelöf set and an open set is a Lindelöf set.
A closed subset of a Lindelöf set is a Lindelöf set.
A continuous image of a Lindelöf set is a Lindelöf set.
A continuous image of a Lindelöf set is a Lindelöf set within the codomain.
A filter with the countable intersection property that is finer than the principal filter on
a Lindelöf set s
contains any open set that contains all clusterpoints of s
For every open cover of a Lindelöf set, there exists a countable subcover.
The neighborhood filter of a Lindelöf set is disjoint with a filter l
with the countable
intersection property if and only if the neighborhood filter of each point of this set
is disjoint with l
A filter l
with the countable intersection property is disjoint with the neighborhood
filter of a Lindelöf set if and only if it is disjoint with the neighborhood filter of each point
of this set.
For every family of closed sets whose intersection avoids a Lindelö set, there exists a countable subfamily whose intersection avoids this Lindelöf set.
To show that a Lindelöf set intersects the intersection of a family of closed sets, it is sufficient to show that it intersects every countable subfamily.
For every open cover of a Lindelöf set, there exists a countable subcover.
A set s
is Lindelöf if for every open cover of s
, there exists a countable subcover.
A set s
is Lindelöf if for every family of closed sets whose intersection avoids s
there exists a countable subfamily whose intersection avoids s
A set s
is Lindelöf if and only if
for every open cover of s
, there exists a countable subcover.
A set s
is Lindelöf if and only if
for every family of closed sets whose intersection avoids s
there exists a countable subfamily whose intersection avoids s
The empty set is a Lindelof set.
A singleton set is a Lindelof set.
If X
has a basis consisting of compact opens, then an open set in X
is compact open iff
it is a finite union of some elements in the basis
is the filter generated by complements to Lindelöf sets.
- Filter.coLindelof X = ⨅ (s : Set X), ⨅ (_ : IsLindelof s), Filter.principal sᶜ
Instances For
is the filter generated by complements to closed Lindelof sets.
- Filter.coclosedLindelof X = ⨅ (s : Set X), ⨅ (_ : IsClosed s), ⨅ (_ : IsLindelof s), Filter.principal sᶜ
Instances For
X is a Lindelöf space iff every open cover has a countable subcover.
- isLindelof_univ : IsLindelof Set.univ
In a Lindelöf space,
is a Lindelöf set.
- ⋯ = ⋯
A compact set s
is Lindelöf.
A σ-compact set s
is Lindelöf
A compact space X
is Lindelöf.
- ⋯ = ⋯
A sigma-compact space X
is Lindelöf.
- ⋯ = ⋯
is a non-Lindelöf topological space if it is not a Lindelöf space.
- nonLindelof_univ : ¬IsLindelof Set.univ
In a non-Lindelöf space,
is not a Lindelöf set.
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
A compact space X
is Lindelöf.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The comap of the coLindelöf filter on Y
by a continuous function f : X → Y
is less than or
equal to the coLindelöf filter on X
This is a reformulation of the fact that images of Lindelöf sets are Lindelöf.
If f : X → Y
is an Inducing
map, the image f '' s
of a set s
is Lindelöf
if and only if s
is compact.
If f : X → Y
is an Embedding
, the image f '' s
of a set s
is Lindelöf
if and only if s
is Lindelöf.
The preimage of a Lindelöf set under an inducing map is a Lindelöf set.
The preimage of a Lindelöf set under a closed embedding is a Lindelöf set.
A closed embedding is proper, ie, inverse images of Lindelöf sets are contained in Lindelöf.
Moreover, the preimage of a Lindelöf set is Lindelöf, see ClosedEmbedding.isLindelof_preimage
Sets of subtype are Lindelöf iff the image under a coercion is.
Countable topological spaces are Lindelof.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The disjoint union of two Lindelöf spaces is Lindelöf.
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
A continuous image of a Lindelöf set is a Lindelöf set within the codomain.
A set s
is Hereditarily Lindelöf if every subset is a Lindelof set. We require this only
for open sets in the definition, and then conclude that this holds for all sets by ADD.
- IsHereditarilyLindelof s = ∀ t ⊆ s, IsLindelof t
Instances For
Type class for Hereditarily Lindelöf spaces.
- isHereditarilyLindelof_univ : IsHereditarilyLindelof Set.univ
In a Hereditarily Lindelöf space,
is a Hereditarily Lindelöf set.
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯