th homotopy group #
We define the n
th homotopy group at x : X
, π_n X x
, as the equivalence classes
of functions from the n
-dimensional cube to the topological space X
that send the boundary to the base point x
, up to homotopic equivalence.
Note that such functions are generalized loops GenLoop (Fin n) x
; in particular
GenLoop (Fin 1) x ≃ Path x x
We show that π_0 X x
is equivalent to the path-connected components, and
that π_1 X x
is equivalent to the fundamental group at x
We provide a group instance using path composition and show commutativity when n > 1
definitions #
GenLoop N x
is the type of continuous functionsI^N → X
that send the boundary tox
,HomotopyGroup.Pi n X x
denotedπ_ n X x
is the quotient ofGenLoop (Fin n) x
by homotopy relative to the boundary,- group instance
Group (π_(n+1) X x)
, - commutative group instance
CommGroup (π_(n+2) X x)
Ω^M (Ω^N X) ≃ₜ Ω^(M⊕N) X
, andΩ^M X ≃ₜ Ω^N X
whenM ≃ N
. Similarly forπ_
.- Path-induced homomorphisms. Show that
is a group isomorphism. - Examples with
:π_n (𝕊^n) = ℤ
,π_m (𝕊^n)
trivial form < n
. - Actions of π_1 on π_n.
- Lie algebra:
⁅π_(n+1), π_(m+1)⁆
contained inπ_(n+m+1)
- Topology.«termI^_» = Lean.ParserDescr.node `Topology.termI^_ 1022 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "I^") (Lean.ParserDescr.cat `term 0))
Instances For
The points in a cube with at least one projection equal to 0 or 1.
- Cube.boundary N = {y : N → ↑unitInterval | ∃ (i : N), y i = 0 ∨ y i = 1}
Instances For
The forward direction of the homeomorphism between the cube $I^N$ and $I × I^{N\setminus{j}}$.
Instances For
The backward direction of the homeomorphism between the cube $I^N$ and $I × I^{N\setminus{j}}$.
Instances For
- Topology.Homotopy.termΩ = Lean.ParserDescr.node `Topology.Homotopy.termΩ 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "Ω")
Instances For
- LoopSpace.inhabited X x = { default := Path.refl x }
The n
-dimensional generalized loops based at x
in a space X
continuous functions I^n → X
that sends the boundary to x
We allow an arbitrary indexing type N
in place of Fin n
- GenLoop N X x = {p : C(N → ↑unitInterval, X) | ∀ y ∈ Cube.boundary N, p y = x}
Instances For
The n
-dimensional generalized loops based at x
in a space X
continuous functions I^n → X
that sends the boundary to x
We allow an arbitrary indexing type N
in place of Fin n
- Topology.Homotopy.«termΩ^» = Lean.ParserDescr.node `Topology.Homotopy.termΩ^ 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "Ω^")
Instances For
Copy of a GenLoop
with a new map from the unit cube equal to the old one.
Useful to fix definitional equalities.
- GenLoop.copy f g h = { val := { toFun := g, continuous_toFun := ⋯ }, property := ⋯ }
Instances For
The constant GenLoop
at x
- GenLoop.const = { val := ContinuousMap.const (N → ↑unitInterval) x, property := ⋯ }
Instances For
- GenLoop.inhabited = { default := GenLoop.const }
The "homotopic relative to boundary" relation between GenLoop
- GenLoop.Homotopic f g = ContinuousMap.HomotopicRel (↑f) (↑g) (Cube.boundary N)
Instances For
- GenLoop.Homotopic.setoid N x = { r := GenLoop.Homotopic, iseqv := ⋯ }
Loop from a generalized loop by currying $I^N → X$ into $I → (I^{N\setminus{j}} → X)$.
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Instances For
Generalized loop from a loop by uncurrying $I → (I^{N\setminus{j}} → X)$ into $I^N → X$.
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Instances For
The n+1
-dimensional loops are in bijection with the loops in the space of
-dimensional loops with base point const
We allow an arbitrary indexing type N
in place of Fin n
- GenLoop.loopHomeo i = { toEquiv := { toFun := GenLoop.toLoop i, invFun := GenLoop.fromLoop i, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }, continuous_toFun := ⋯, continuous_invFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
Composition with Cube.insertAt
as a continuous map.
- GenLoop.cCompInsert i = { toFun := fun (f : C(N → ↑unitInterval, X)) => ContinuousMap.comp f (Homeomorph.toContinuousMap (Cube.insertAt i)), continuous_toFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
A homotopy between n+1
-dimensional loops p
and q
constant on the boundary
seen as a homotopy between two paths in the space of n
-dimensional paths.
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Instances For
The converse to GenLoop.homotopyTo
: a homotopy between two loops in the space of
-dimensional loops can be seen as a homotopy between two n+1
-dimensional paths.
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Instances For
Concatenation of two GenLoop
s along the i
th coordinate.
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Instances For
Reversal of a GenLoop
along the i
th coordinate.
- GenLoop.symmAt i f = GenLoop.copy (GenLoop.fromLoop i (Path.symm (GenLoop.toLoop i f))) (fun (t : N → ↑unitInterval) => f fun (j : N) => if j = i then unitInterval.symm (t i) else t j) ⋯
Instances For
The n
th homotopy group at x
defined as the quotient of Ω^n x
by the
- HomotopyGroup N X x = Quotient (GenLoop.Homotopic.setoid N x)
Instances For
- instInhabitedHomotopyGroup = inferInstanceAs (Inhabited (Quotient (GenLoop.Homotopic.setoid N x)))
Equivalence between the homotopy group of X and the fundamental group of
Ω^{j // j ≠ i} x
- homotopyGroupEquivFundamentalGroup i = (Quotient.congr (GenLoop.loopHomeo i).toEquiv ⋯).trans (CategoryTheory.Groupoid.isoEquivHom { as := GenLoop.const } { as := GenLoop.const }).symm
Instances For
Homotopy group of finite index.
- HomotopyGroup.Pi n X x = HomotopyGroup (Fin n) X x
Instances For
- Topology.termπ_ = Lean.ParserDescr.node `Topology.termπ_ 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "π_")
Instances For
The 0-dimensional generalized loops based at x
are in bijection with X
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Instances For
The homotopy "group" indexed by an empty type is in bijection with
the path components of X
, aka the ZerothHomotopy
- homotopyGroupEquivZerothHomotopyOfIsEmpty N x = Quotient.congr (genLoopHomeoOfIsEmpty N x).toEquiv ⋯
Instances For
The 0th homotopy "group" is in bijection with ZerothHomotopy
- HomotopyGroup.pi0EquivZerothHomotopy = homotopyGroupEquivZerothHomotopyOfIsEmpty (Fin 0) x
Instances For
The 1-dimensional generalized loops based at x
are in bijection with loops at x
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Instances For
The homotopy group at x
indexed by a singleton is in bijection with the fundamental group,
i.e. the loops based at x
up to homotopy.
- homotopyGroupEquivFundamentalGroupOfUnique N = (Quotient.congr (genLoopEquivOfUnique N) ⋯).trans (CategoryTheory.Groupoid.isoEquivHom { as := x } { as := x }).symm
Instances For
The first homotopy group at x
is in bijection with the fundamental group.
- HomotopyGroup.pi1EquivFundamentalGroup = homotopyGroupEquivFundamentalGroupOfUnique (Fin 1)
Instances For
Group structure on HomotopyGroup N X x
for nonempty N
(in particular π_(n+1) X x
Group structure on HomotopyGroup
obtained by pulling back path composition along the
th direction. The group structures for two different i j : N
distribute over each
other, and therefore are equal by the Eckmann-Hilton argument.
Instances For
Characterization of multiplicative identity
Characterization of multiplication
Characterization of multiplicative inverse
Multiplication on HomotopyGroup N X x
is commutative for nontrivial N
In particular, multiplication on π_(n+2)
is commutative.
- HomotopyGroup.commGroup = let h := ⋯; EckmannHilton.commGroup ⋯ ⋯