The Kuratowski embedding #
Any separable metric space can be embedded isometrically in ℓ^∞(ℕ, ℝ)
Any partially defined Lipschitz map into ℓ^∞
can be extended to the whole space.
Any separable metric space can be embedded isometrically in ℓ^∞(ℕ, ℝ) #
A metric space can be embedded in l^∞(ℝ)
via the distances to points in
a fixed countable set, if this set is dense. This map is given in kuratowskiEmbedding
without density assumptions.
Instances For
The embedding map is always a semi-contraction.
When the reference set is dense, the embedding map is an isometry on its image.
Every separable metric space embeds isometrically in ℓ^∞(ℕ)
The Kuratowski embedding is an isometric embedding of a separable metric space in ℓ^∞(ℕ, ℝ)
Instances For
The Kuratowski embedding is an isometry. Theorem 2.1 of [Assaf Naor, Metric Embeddings and Lipschitz Extensions][Naor-2015].
Version of the Kuratowski embedding for nonempty compacts
- NonemptyCompacts.kuratowskiEmbedding α = { toCompacts := { carrier := Set.range (kuratowskiEmbedding α), isCompact' := ⋯ }, nonempty' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A function f : α → ℓ^∞(ι, ℝ)
which is K
-Lipschitz on a subset s
admits a K
extension to the whole space.
Theorem 2.2 of [Assaf Naor, Metric Embeddings and Lipschitz Extensions][Naor-2015]
The same result for the case of a finite type ι
is implemented in