Presheaves of functions #
We construct some simple examples of presheaves of functions on a topological space.
presheafToTypes X T
, whereT : X → Type
, is the presheaf of dependently-typed (not-necessarily continuous) functionspresheafToType X T
, whereT : Type
, is the presheaf of (not-necessarily-continuous) functions to a fixed target typeT
presheafToTop X T
, whereT : TopCat
, is the presheaf of continuous functions into a topological spaceT
presheafToTopCommRing X R
, whereR : TopCommRingCat
is the presheaf valued inCommRing
of functions functions into a topological ringR
- as an example of the previous construction,
presheafToTopCommRing X (TopCommRingCat.of ℂ)
is the presheaf of rings of continuous complex-valued functions onX
The presheaf of dependently typed functions on X
, with fibres given by a type family T
There is no requirement that the functions are continuous, here.
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Instances For
The presheaf of functions on X
with values in a type T
There is no requirement that the functions are continuous, here.
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Instances For
The presheaf of continuous functions on X
with values in fixed target topological space
- TopCat.presheafToTop X T = CategoryTheory.Functor.comp (TopologicalSpace.Opens.toTopCat X).op (CategoryTheory.yoneda.obj T)
Instances For
The (bundled) commutative ring of continuous functions from a topological space to a topological commutative ring, with pointwise multiplication.
- TopCat.continuousFunctions X R = CommRingCat.of (X.unop ⟶ (CategoryTheory.forget₂ TopCommRingCat TopCat).obj R)
Instances For
Pulling back functions into a topological ring along a continuous map is a ring homomorphism.
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Instances For
A homomorphism of topological rings can be postcomposed with functions from a source space X
this is a ring homomorphism (with respect to the pointwise ring operations on functions).
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Instances For
An upgraded version of the Yoneda embedding, observing that the continuous maps
from X : TopCat
to R : TopCommRingCat
form a commutative ring, functorial in both X
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Instances For
The presheaf (of commutative rings), consisting of functions on an open set U ⊆ X
values in some topological commutative ring T
For example, we could construct the presheaf of continuous complex valued functions of X
presheafToTopCommRing X (TopCommRing.of ℂ)
(this requires import Topology.Instances.Complex