

Mutual exclusion primitive (a lock).

If you want to guard shared state, use Mutex α instead.

@[extern lean_io_basemutex_new]

Creates a new BaseMutex.

@[extern lean_io_basemutex_lock]

Locks a BaseMutex. Waits until no other thread has locked the mutex.

The current thread must not have already locked the mutex. Reentrant locking is undefined behavior (inherited from the C++ implementation).

@[extern lean_io_basemutex_unlock]

Unlocks a BaseMutex.

The current thread must have already locked the mutex. Unlocking an unlocked mutex is undefined behavior (inherited from the C++ implementation).

@[extern lean_io_condvar_new]

Creates a new condition variable.

@[extern lean_io_condvar_wait]
opaque IO.Condvar.wait (condvar : IO.Condvar) (mutex : IO.BaseMutex) :

Waits until another thread calls notifyOne or notifyAll.

@[extern lean_io_condvar_notify_one]

Wakes up a single other thread executing wait.

@[extern lean_io_condvar_notify_all]

Wakes up all other threads executing wait.

def IO.Condvar.waitUntil {m : TypeType u_1} [inst : Monad m] [inst : MonadLift BaseIO m] (condvar : IO.Condvar) (mutex : IO.BaseMutex) (pred : m Bool) :

Waits on the condition variable until the predicate is true.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
structure IO.Mutex (α : Type) :

Mutual exclusion primitive (lock) guarding shared state of type α.

The type Mutex α is similar to IO.Ref α, except that concurrent accesses are guarded by a mutex instead of atomic pointer operations and busy-waiting.

Instances For
    • IO.instCoeOutMutexBaseMutex = { coe := IO.Mutex.mutex }
    def {α : Type} (a : α) :

    Creates a new mutex.

    abbrev IO.AtomicT (σ : Type) (m : TypeType) (α : Type) :

    AtomicT α m is the monad that can be atomically executed inside a Mutex α, with outside monad m. The action has access to the state α of the mutex (via get and set).

    def IO.Mutex.atomically {m : TypeType} {α : Type} {β : Type} [inst : Monad m] [inst : MonadLiftT BaseIO m] [inst : MonadFinally m] (mutex : IO.Mutex α) (k : IO.AtomicT α m β) :
    m β

    mutex.atomically k runs k with access to the mutex's state while locking the mutex.

    def IO.Mutex.atomicallyOnce {m : TypeType} {α : Type} {β : Type} [inst : Monad m] [inst : MonadLiftT BaseIO m] [inst : MonadFinally m] (mutex : IO.Mutex α) (condvar : IO.Condvar) (pred : IO.AtomicT α m Bool) (k : IO.AtomicT α m β) :
    m β

    mutex.atomicallyOnce condvar pred k runs k, waiting on condvar until pred returns true. Both k and pred have access to the mutex's state.
