

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

Erase entry for binderName from namedArgs.


Default application elaborator #

  • true if .. was used

    ellipsis : Bool
  • true if @ modifier was used

    explicit : Bool
  • If the result type of an application is the outParam of some local instance, then special support may be needed because type class resolution interacts poorly with coercions in this kind of situation. This flag enables the special support.

    The idea is quite simple, if the result type is the outParam of some local instance, we simply execute synthesizeSyntheticMVarsUsingDefault. We added this feature to make sure examples as follows are correctly elaborated.

    class GetElem (Cont : Type u) (Idx : Type v) (Elem : outParam (Type w)) where
      getElem (xs : Cont) (i : Idx) : Elem
    export GetElem (getElem)
    instance : GetElem (Array α) Nat α where
      getElem xs i := xs.get ⟨i, sorry⟩
    opaque f : Option BoolBool
    opaque g : BoolBool
    def bad (xs : Array Bool) : Bool :=
      let x := getElem xs 0
      f x && g x

    Without the special support, Lean fails at g x saying x has type Option Bool but is expected to have type Bool. From the users point of view this is a bug, since let x := getElem xs 0 clearly constraints x to be Bool, but we only obtain this information after we apply the OfNat default instance for 0.

    Before converging to this solution, we have tried to create a "coercion placeholder" when resultIsOutParamSupport = true, but it did not work well in practice. For example, it failed in the example above.

    resultIsOutParamSupport : Bool
Instances For
    • fType : Lean.Expr
    • Remaining regular arguments.

    • remaining named arguments to be processed.

    • expectedType? : Option Lean.Expr
    • When named arguments are provided and explicit arguments occurring before them are missing, the elaborator eta-expands the declaration. For example,

      def f (x y : Nat) := x + y
      #check f (y := 5)
      -- fun x => f x 5

      etaArgs stores the fresh free variables for implementing the eta-expansion. When .. is used, eta-expansion is disabled, and missing arguments are treated as _.

      etaArgs : Array Lean.Expr
    • Metavariables that we need the set the error context using the application being built.

      toSetErrorCtx : Array Lean.MVarId
    • Metavariables for the instance implicit arguments that have already been processed.

      instMVars : Array Lean.MVarId
    • The following field is used to implement the propagateExpectedType heuristic. It is set to true true when expectedType still has to be propagated.

      propagateExpected : Bool
    • If the result type may be the outParam of some local instance. See comment at Context.resultIsOutParamSupport

      resultTypeOutParam? : Option Lean.MVarId

    Auxiliary structure for elaborating the application f args namedArgs.

    Instances For

      Try to synthesize metavariables are instMVars using type class resolution. The ones that cannot be synthesized yet stay in the instMVars list. Remark: we use this method

      • before trying to apply coercions to function,
      • before unifying the expected type.
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

      Try to synthesize metavariables are instMVars using type class resolution. The ones that cannot be synthesized yet are registered.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

      Remove named argument with name binderName from namedArgs.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

      Elaborate function application arguments.

      Eliminator-like function application elaborator #

      • expectedType : Lean.Expr
      • Position of additonal arguments that should be elabored eagerly because they can contribute to the motive inference procedure. For example, in the following theorem the argument h : a = b should be elaborated eagerly because it contains b which occurs in motive b.

        theorem Eq.subst' {α} {motive : α → Prop} {a b : α} (h : a = b) : motive a → motive b
        extraArgsPos : Array Nat

      Context of the elab_as_elim elaboration procedure.

      Instances For
        • The resultant expression being built.

        • `f : fType

          fType : Lean.Expr
        • User-provided named arguments that still have to be processed.

        • User-providedarguments that still have to be processed.

        • Discriminants processed so far.

          discrs : Array Lean.Expr
        • Instance implicit arguments collected so far.

          instMVars : Array Lean.MVarId
        • Position of the next argument to be processed. We use it to decide whether the argument is the motive or a discriminant.

          idx : Nat
        • Store the metavariable used to represent the motive that will be computed at finalize.

          motive? : Option Lean.Expr

        State of the elab_as_elim elaboration procedure.

        Instances For

          Infer the motive using the expected type by kabstracting the discriminants.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          If the eliminator is over-applied, we "revert" the extra arguments.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          Contruct the resulting application after all discriminants have bee elaborated, and we have consumed as many given arguments as possible.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          Return the next argument to be processed. The result is .none if it is an implicit argument which was not provided using a named argument. The result is .undef if args is empty and namedArgs does contain an entry for binderName.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          Set the motive field in the state.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          Push the given expression into the discrs field in the state.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          Save information for producing error messages.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          Create an implicit argument using the given BinderInfo.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          Main loop of the elimAsElab procedure.

          Function application elaboration #

          def Lean.Elab.Term.elabAppArgs (f : Lean.Expr) (namedArgs : Array Lean.Elab.Term.NamedArg) (args : Array Lean.Elab.Term.Arg) (expectedType? : Option Lean.Expr) (explicit : Bool) (ellipsis : Bool) (resultIsOutParamSupport : optParam Bool true) :

          Elaborate a f-application using namedArgs and args as the arguments.

          • expectedType? the expected type if available. It is used to propagate typing information only. This method does not ensure the result has this type.
          • explicit = true when notation @ is used, and implicit arguments are assumed to be provided at namedArgs and args.
          • ellipsis = true when notation .. is used. That is, we add _ for missing arguments.
          • resultIsOutParamSupport is used to control whether special support is used when processing applications of functions that return output parameter of some local instance. Example:
            GetElem.getElem : {Cont : Type u_1} → {Idx : Type u_2} → {elem : Type u_3} → {dom : cont → idx → Prop} → [self : GetElem cont idx elem dom] → (xs : cont) → (i : idx) → dom xs i → elem
            The result type elem is the output parameter of the local instance self. When this parameter is set to true, we execute synthesizeSyntheticMVarsUsingDefault. For additional details, see comment at ElabAppArgs.resultIsOutParam.
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          Return some info if we should elaborate as an eliminator.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          Collect extra argument positions that must be elaborated eagerly when using elab_as_elim. The idea is that the contribute to motive inference. See comment at ElamElim.Context.extraArgsPos.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          Auxiliary inductive datatype that represents the resolution of an LVal.

          Instances For

            Interaction between errToSorry and observing. #

            observing x does not check for synthetic sorry's, just an exception. Thus, it may think x worked when it didn't if a synthetic sorry was introduced. We decided that checking for synthetic sorrys at observing is not a good solution because it would not be clear to decide what the "main" error message for the alternative is. When the result contains a synthetic sorry, it is not clear which error message corresponds to the sorry. Moreover, while executing x, many error messages may have been logged. Recall that we need an error per alternative at mergeFailures.

            Thus, we decided to set errToSorry to false whenever processing choice nodes and overloaded symbols.

            Important: we rely on the property that after errToSorry is set to false, no elaboration function executed by x will reset it to true.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.