

  • It is a parameter for the congruence theorem, the parameter occurs in the left and right hand sides.

    fixed: Lean.Meta.CongrArgKind
  • It is not a parameter for the congruence theorem, the theorem was specialized for this parameter. This only happens if the parameter is a subsingleton/proposition, and other parameters depend on it.

    fixedNoParam: Lean.Meta.CongrArgKind
  • The lemma contains three parameters for this kind of argument a_i, b_i and eq_i : a_i = b_i. a_i and b_i represent the left and right hand sides, and eq_i is a proof for their equality.

    eq: Lean.Meta.CongrArgKind
  • The congr-simp theorems contains only one parameter for this kind of argument, and congr theorems contains two. They correspond to arguments that are subsingletons/propositions.

    cast: Lean.Meta.CongrArgKind
  • The lemma contains three parameters for this kind of argument a_i, b_i and eq_i : HEq a_i b_i. a_i and b_i represent the left and right hand sides, and eq_i is a proof for their heterogeneous equality.

    heq: Lean.Meta.CongrArgKind
  • For congr-simp theorems only. Indicates a decidable instance argument. The lemma contains two arguments [a_i : Decidable ...] [b_i : Decidable ...]

    subsingletonInst: Lean.Meta.CongrArgKind
Instances For
    Instances For
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

      Compute CongrArgKinds for a simp congruence theorem.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

      Create a congruence theorem that is useful for the simplifier and congr tactic.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

      Create a congruence theorem that is useful for the simplifier. In this kind of theorem, if the i-th argument is a cast argument, then the theorem contains an input a_i representing the i-th argument in the left-hand-side, and it appears with a cast (e.g., Eq.drec ... a_i ...) in the right-hand-side. The idea is that the right-hand-side of this theorem "tells" the simplifier how the resulting term looks like.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

      Create a congruence theorem for f. The theorem is used in the simplifier.

      If subsingletonInstImplicitRhs = true, the the rhs corresponding to [Decidable p] parameters is marked as instance implicit. It forces the simplifier to compute the new instance when applying the congruence theorem. For the congr tactic we set it to false.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.