Similar to traverseLambda
but with an additional pos argument to track position.
- Lean.Meta.traverseLambdaWithPos f p e = Lean.Meta.traverseLambdaWithPos.visit f #[] p e
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Lean.Meta.traverseLambdaWithPos.visit f fvars p x = do let body ← f p (Lean.Expr.instantiateRev x fvars) liftM (Lean.Meta.mkLambdaFVars fvars body false true Lean.BinderInfo.implicit)
Similar to traverseForall
but with an additional pos argument to track position.
- Lean.Meta.traverseForallWithPos f p e = Lean.Meta.traverseForallWithPos.visit f #[] p e
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Lean.Meta.traverseForallWithPos.visit f fvars p x = do let body ← f p (Lean.Expr.instantiateRev x fvars) liftM (Lean.Meta.mkForallFVars fvars body false true Lean.BinderInfo.implicit)
Similar to traverseLet
but with an additional pos argument to track position.
- Lean.Meta.traverseLetWithPos f p e = Lean.Meta.traverseLetWithPos.visit f #[] p e
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Lean.Meta.traverseLetWithPos.visit f fvars p x = do let body ← f p (Lean.Expr.instantiateRev x fvars) liftM (Lean.Meta.mkLetFVars fvars body false Lean.BinderInfo.implicit)
Similar to Lean.Meta.traverseChildren
except that visit
also includes a Pos
argument so you can
track the subexpression position.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Given an expression fun (x₁ : α₁) ... (xₙ : αₙ) => b
, will run
on each of the variable types αᵢ
and b
with the correct MetaM context,
replacing each expression with the output of f
and creating a new lambda.
(that is, correctly instantiating bound variables and repackaging them after)
- Lean.Meta.traverseLambda visit = Lean.Meta.forgetPos Lean.Meta.traverseLambdaWithPos visit
Given an expression (x₁ : α₁) → ... → (xₙ : αₙ) → b
, will run
on each of the variable types αᵢ
and b
with the correct MetaM context,
replacing the expression with the output of f
and creating a new forall expression.
(that is, correctly instantiating bound variables and repackaging them after)
- Lean.Meta.traverseForall visit = Lean.Meta.forgetPos Lean.Meta.traverseForallWithPos visit
Similar to traverseLambda
and traverseForall
but with let binders.
- Lean.Meta.traverseLet visit = Lean.Meta.forgetPos Lean.Meta.traverseLetWithPos visit
Maps visit
on each child of the given expression.
Applications, foralls, lambdas and let binders are bundled (as they are bundled in Expr.traverseApp
, traverseForall
, ...).
So traverseChildren f e
where e = `(fn a₁ ... aₙ)
will return
(← f `(fn)) (← f `(a₁)) ... (← f `(aₙ))
rather than (← f `(fn a₁ ... aₙ₋₁)) (← f `(aₙ))
See also Lean.Core.traverseChildren
- Lean.Meta.traverseChildren visit = Lean.Meta.forgetPos Lean.Meta.traverseChildrenWithPos visit