

Convert the given goal Ctx |- target into Ctx |- targetNew using an equality proof eqProof : target = targetNew. It assumes eqProof has type target = targetNew

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Convert the given goal Ctx |- target into Ctx |- targetNew. It assumes the goals are definitionally equal. We use the proof term

@id target mvarNew

to create a checkpoint.

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Replace type of the local declaration with id fvarId with one with the same user-facing name, but with type typeNew. This method assumes eqProof is a proof that type of fvarId is equal to typeNew. This tactic actually adds a new declaration and (try to) clear the old one. If the old one cannot be cleared, then at least its user-facing name becomes inaccessible. Remark: the new declaration is added immediately after fvarId. typeNew must be well-formed at fvarId, but eqProof may contain variables declared after fvarId.


Replace the type of fvarId at mvarId with typeNew. Remark: this method assumes that typeNew is definitionally equal to the current type of fvarId.

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def Lean.MVarId.change (mvarId : Lean.MVarId) (targetNew : Lean.Expr) (checkDefEq : optParam Bool true) :

Replace the target type of mvarId with typeNew. If checkDefEq = false, this method assumes that typeNew is definitionally equal to the current target type. If checkDefEq = true, throw an error if typeNew is not definitionally equal to the current target type.

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def Lean.Meta.change (mvarId : Lean.MVarId) (targetNew : Lean.Expr) (checkDefEq : optParam Bool true) :

Replace the type of the free variable fvarId with typeNew. If checkDefEq = false, this method assumes that typeNew is definitionally equal to fvarId type. If checkDefEq = true, throw an error if typeNew is not definitionally equal to fvarId type.

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def Lean.Meta.changeLocalDecl (mvarId : Lean.MVarId) (fvarId : Lean.FVarId) (typeNew : Lean.Expr) (checkDefEq : optParam Bool true) :

Modify mvarId target type using f.

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Modify mvarId target type left-hand-side using f. Throw an error if target type is not an equality.

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