Free groups #
The definition of a free group on a basis, along with a few properties.
Free groups are defined constructively to allow automatic equality checking of homomorphisms on finitely generated free groups.
Overview #
- the main definition.decideHomsEqual
- the crucial result that allows the automatic comparison of homomorphisms by checking their values on the basis.ℤFree
- a proof that the additive group of integers is a free group on the one-element type.prodFree
- a proof that the product of free groups is free.
The inclusion map from the basis to the free group.
ι : X → FThe homomorphism from the free group induced by a map from the basis.
inducedHom : (A : Type) → [inst : AddCommGroup A] → (X → A) → F →+ AA proof that the induced homomorphism extends the map from the basis.
induced_extends : ∀ {A : Type} [inst : AddCommGroup A] (f : X → A), ↑(inducedHom A inst f) ∘ ι = fA proof that any homomorphism extending a map from the basis must be unique.
Free (Additive) Groups, implemented as a typeclass.
A free additive group with a basis X
is an additive group F
with an inclusion map ι : X → F
such that any map f : X → A
from the basis to any Abelian group A
extends uniquely to an additive group homomorphism φ : F →+ A
The additive group of integers ℤ
is the free group on a singleton basis.
- ℤFree = { ι := fun x => 1, inducedHom := fun A x f => Equiv.toFun (zmultiplesHom A) (f ()), induced_extends := @ℤFree.proof_1, unique_extension := @ℤFree.proof_2 }
Equality of homomorphisms from a free group on an exhaustively searchable basis is decidable.
- decideHomsEqual f g = if c : ∀ (x : X), ↑f (AddFreeGroup.ι x) = ↑g (AddFreeGroup.ι x) then isTrue (_ : f = g) else isFalse (_ : f = g → False)
The inclusion map from the direct sum of the bases of two free groups into their product.
- AddFreeGroup.Product.ι x = match x with | Sum.inl x_a => (AddFreeGroup.ι x_a, 0) | Sum.inr x_b => (0, AddFreeGroup.ι x_b)
The group homomorphism from the product of two free groups induced by a map from the basis.
- AddFreeGroup.Product.inducedProdHom G f = let f_A := f ∘ Sum.inl; let f_B := f ∘ Sum.inr; AddMonoidHom.coprod (AddFreeGroup.inducedHom G f_A) (AddFreeGroup.inducedHom G f_B)
The product of free groups is free.
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