Cocycles and Group actions by automorphisms #
The definitions of cocycles and group actions by automorphisms, which are required for the Metabelian construction.
Overview #
- the definition of an action of one group on another by automorphisms. This is done as a typeclass representing the property of being an action by automorphisms.Cocycle
- the definition of a cocycle associated with a certain action by automorphisms. This is also done as a typeclass with the function as an explicit argument and the action as a field of the structure.
Actions by automorphisms #
The automorphism corresponding to the zero element is the identity.
id_action : α 0 = BThe compatibility of group addition with the action by automorphisms.
compatibility : ∀ (a a' : A), α (a + a') = AddMonoidHom.comp (α a) (α a')
An action of an additive group on another additive group by automorphisms.
There is a closely related typeclass DistribMulAction
in Mathlib
that uses multiplicative notation.
An action by automorphisms of additive groups is an additive group action.
- AutAction.toAddAction α = (_ : ∀ (p : B), ↑(α 0) p = p) (_ : ∀ (g₁ g₂ : A) (p : B), ↑(α (g₁ + g₂)) p = ↑(α g₁) (↑(α g₂) p))
Some easy consequences of the definition of an action by automorphisms.
Cocycles #
An action of the quotient on the kernel by automorphisms.
α : Q → K →+ KA typeclass instance for the action by automorphisms.
autAct : AutAction αThe value of the cocycle is zero when its inputs are zero, as a convention.
cocycle_zero : c 0 0 = 0The cocycle condition.
A cocycle associated with a certain action of Q
on K
via automorphisms is a
function from Q × Q
to K
satisfying a certain requirement known as the "cocycle condition".
A few deductions from the cocycle condition.