

Cocycles and Group actions by automorphisms #

The definitions of cocycles and group actions by automorphisms, which are required for the Metabelian construction.

Overview #

Actions by automorphisms #

class AutAction {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [inst : AddGroup A] [inst : AddGroup B] (α : AB →+ B) :
  • The automorphism corresponding to the zero element is the identity.

    id_action : α 0 = B
  • The compatibility of group addition with the action by automorphisms.

    compatibility : ∀ (a a' : A), α (a + a') = AddMonoidHom.comp (α a) (α a')

An action of an additive group on another additive group by automorphisms. There is a closely related typeclass DistribMulAction in Mathlib that uses multiplicative notation.

    instance AutAction.toAddAction {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [inst : AddGroup A] [inst : AddGroup B] (α : AB →+ B) [inst : AutAction α] :

    An action by automorphisms of additive groups is an additive group action.


    Some easy consequences of the definition of an action by automorphisms.

    theorem AutAction.vadd_eq {A : Type u_2} {B : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup A] [inst : AddGroup B] (α : AB →+ B) [inst : AutAction α] {a : A} {b : B} :
    a +ᵥ b = ↑(α a) b
    theorem AutAction.vadd_zero {A : Type u_2} {B : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup A] [inst : AddGroup B] (α : AB →+ B) [inst : AutAction α] {a : A} :
    a +ᵥ 0 = 0
    theorem AutAction.vadd_dist {A : Type u_2} {B : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup A] [inst : AddGroup B] (α : AB →+ B) [inst : AutAction α] {a : A} {b : B} {b' : B} :
    a +ᵥ (b + b') = a +ᵥ b + (a +ᵥ b')
    theorem AutAction.compatibility' {A : Type u_2} {B : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup A] [inst : AddGroup B] (α : AB →+ B) [inst : AutAction α] {a : A} {a' : A} {b : B} :
    ↑(α a) (↑(α a') b) = ↑(α (a + a')) b
    theorem AutAction.act_neg_act {A : Type u_2} {B : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup A] [inst : AddGroup B] (α : AB →+ B) [inst : AutAction α] {a : A} {b : B} :
    ↑(α a) (↑(α (-a)) b) = b
    theorem AutAction.vadd_of_neg {A : Type u_2} {B : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup A] [inst : AddGroup B] (α : AB →+ B) [inst : AutAction α] {a : A} {b : B} :
    a +ᵥ -b = -(a +ᵥ b)

    Cocycles #

    class Cocycle {Q : Type u_1} {K : Type u_2} [inst : AddGroup Q] [inst : AddGroup K] (c : QQK) :
    Type (maxu_1u_2)
    • An action of the quotient on the kernel by automorphisms.

      α : QK →+ K
    • A typeclass instance for the action by automorphisms.

      autAct : AutAction α
    • The value of the cocycle is zero when its inputs are zero, as a convention.

      cocycle_zero : c 0 0 = 0
    • The cocycle condition.

      cocycle_condition : ∀ (q q' q'' : Q), c q q' + c (q + q') q'' = q +ᵥ c q' q'' + c q (q' + q'')

    A cocycle associated with a certain action of Q on K via automorphisms is a function from Q × Q to K satisfying a certain requirement known as the "cocycle condition".


      A few deductions from the cocycle condition.

      instance Cocycle.instAutActionα {Q : Type u_1} {K : Type u_2} [inst : AddGroup Q] [inst : AddGroup K] (c : QQK) [ccl : Cocycle c] :
      theorem Cocycle.left_id {Q : Type u_2} {K : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup Q] [inst : AddGroup K] (c : QQK) [ccl : Cocycle c] {q : Q} :
      c 0 q = 0
      theorem Cocycle.right_id {Q : Type u_2} {K : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup Q] [inst : AddGroup K] (c : QQK) [ccl : Cocycle c] {q : Q} :
      c q 0 = 0
      theorem Cocycle.inv_rel {Q : Type u_2} {K : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup Q] [inst : AddGroup K] (c : QQK) [ccl : Cocycle c] (q : Q) :
      c q (-q) = q +ᵥ c (-q) q
      theorem Cocycle.inv_rel' {Q : Type u_2} {K : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup Q] [inst : AddGroup K] (c : QQK) [ccl : Cocycle c] (q : Q) :
      c (-q) q = -q +ᵥ c q (-q)