

Torsion-freeness of P #

This file contains a proof that the group P defined is in fact torsion-free.

Roughly, the steps are as follows (further details can be found in the corresponding .md file):

  1. Define a function sq : P -> K taking a group element (q, k) to its square. This element lies in the kernel as the group ℤ/2 × ℤ/2 has exponent 2.
  2. Show that elements in K, which are integer triples of the form (a, b, c), do not have torsion. This requires the fact that the group , and hence ℤ³, is torsion-free.
  3. Show that no element of P has order precisely 2. This is an argument by cases on the Q part of a general element of P.
  4. Finally, show that if an element g : G of a group G satisfies g ^ n = (1 : G), then it also satisfies (g ^ 2) ^ n = (1 : G).
  5. Together, these statements show that P is torsion-free.

Torsion-free groups #

class TorsionFree (G : Type u_1) [inst : Group G] :
  • A group is torsion-free if the only element with non-trivial torsion is the identity element.

    torsionFree : ∀ (g : G) (n : ), g ^ Nat.succ n = 1g = 1

The definition of a torsion-free group.

    class AddTorsionFree (A : Type u_1) [inst : AddGroup A] :
    • An additive group is torsion-free if the only element with non-trivial torsion is the identity element.

      torsionFree : ∀ (a : A) (n : ), Nat.succ n a = 0a = 0

    The definition of torsion-free additive groups.

      instance instAddTorsionFreeProdInstAddGroupSum {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [inst : AddGroup A] [inst : AddGroup B] [inst : AddTorsionFree A] [inst : AddTorsionFree B] :

      The product of torsion-free additive groups is torsion-free.

      • instAddTorsionFreeProdInstAddGroupSum = { torsionFree := (_ : ∀ (h : A × B) (n : ), Nat.succ n h = 0h = 0) }

      Step 1: Defining the square of an element of P. #

      def P.sq :

      The function taking an element of P to its square, which lies in the kernel K.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      theorem sq_square (g : P) :
      g * g = (P.sq g, Q.e)

      A proof that the function sq indeed takes an element of P to its square in K.

      Step 2: Proving that K (= ℤ³) is torsion-free. #

      The kernel ℤ³ is torsion-free.


      Step 3: Showing that no element of P has order precisely two. #

      Some basic lemmas about integers needed to prove facts about P.

      theorem Int.add_twice_eq_mul_two {a : } :
      a + a = a * 2
      theorem Int.odd_ne_zero (a : ) :
      ¬a + a + 1 = 0

      No odd integer is zero.

      theorem Int.zero_of_twice_zero (a : ) :
      a + a = 0a = 0

      If the sum of an integer with itself is zero, then the integer is itself zero.

      theorem square_free {g : P} :
      g * g = 1g = 1

      The only element of P with order dividing 2 is the identity.

      Step 4: Showing that if the n-th power of a group element is trivial, then so is that of its square. #

      theorem torsion_implies_square_torsion {G : Type u_1} [inst : Group G] (g : G) (n : ) (g_tor : g ^ n = 1) :
      (g ^ 2) ^ n = 1

      If g is a torsion element of a group, then so is g ^ 2.

      Step 5: Putting the facts together. #

      P is torsion-free.
