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Name: Gadadhar Misra

Position: Professor, Department of Mathematics (IISc.), 2007 - 2021
Chairman, October 2013 - May 2019
Convener, Analysis and Probability Research Group, 2008 - 2021
Address: Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012

Past Positioin: Professor
Indian Statistical Institute

Date of Birth: First March Nineteen Fifty Six

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc., Sambalpur University, 1979
Ph.D., SUNY at Stony Brook, 1982

Ph.D. Thesis: Curvature inequalities and extremal properties of Bundle shifts
PhD Advisor: Ronald G. Douglas (1938 - 2018)
Guoliang Yu, Roger Howe and Shana Hutchins, Ronald G. Douglas: a master in the art of transcending problems, Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 66 (2019), 1672 - 1684.
Ron Douglas -- a personal account, IN: Notices of the Amer Math. Soc., 66 (2019), 1672 - 1684.

Fellowhip: Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences, elected 1999
Fellow and Vice-President (2018-2020), Indian National Science Academy, elected 2009
Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, India, elected 2012
J C Bose National Fellowship, DST, 2008 -- 2023.
Award(s): S. S. Bhatnagar Prize, 2001 (CSIR)
Biju Patnaik Award for Scientific Excellence, Odisha Bigyan Academy, 2013
Alumni Award for Excellence in Research (2019), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

PhD students: Subrata Shyam Roy, Homogeneous operators in the Cowen-Douglas class, Indian Statistical Institute, 2008
Shibananda Biswas, Geometric Invariants for a Class of Semi-Fredholm Hilbert Modules, Indian Statistical Institute, 2010
Dinesh Kumar Keshari, Infinitely Divisible Metrics, Curvature Inequalities and Curvature Formulae, Indian Institute of Science, 2012
Avijit Pal, Contractivity, Complete Contractivity and Curvature Inequalities, Indian Institute of Science, 2014
Rajeev Gupta, The Caratheodory-Fejer interpolation problems and the von Neumann inequality, Indian Institute of Science, 2015
Md. Ramiz Reza, Curvature inequalities for operators in the Cowen-Douglas class of a planar domain, Indian Institute of Science, 2016
Somnath Hazra, Homogeneous Operators, Indian Institute of Science, 2017
Soumitra Ghara, Decomposition of the tensor product of Hilbert modules via the jet construction and weakly homogeneous operator, Indian Institute of Science, 2018
Samrat Sen, Geometric invariants for a class of submodules of analytic Hilbert modules, Indian Institute of Science, 2019
Paramita Pramanick, Trace Estimate For The Determinant Operator And K- Homogeneous Operators, Indian Institute of Science, 2020

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