2013 - 2014
Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biology
July 08 - 13, 2013
Biological systems are spectacular examples of nonlinear systems. They can be studied
at many different levels. Starting from the important macromolecules inside the cell to
large ecosystems all are composed of multiple subsystems having complex nonlinear
interactions among them that lead to the coherent collective behavior observed in
nature. With improvement in experimental methods, much is now known about the
constituents and interactions and new areas of investigation (Systems Biology) are
being explored where theoretical and experimental studies have equal roles to play. The
concepts and techniques of Nonlinear Dynamics is the most crucial among the
theoretical methods used to describe the workings of biological systems. Therefore it
has now become imperative for Biology students and researchers to learn and apply
theoretical methods in their study.
This workshop is aimed primarily at students and researchers from Biology, and those
who are interested in studying biological systems. Spread over 6 days, it would consist
of three days of lectures and computational exercises on introductory concepts and
methods of nonlinear dynamics with specific biological systems as case studies. The
next three days will have specialized talks describing application of nonlinear dynamics
in modeling and understanding systems behavior. The applicability of the approach to
analyse biological data and delineating the processes in normal and diseased system
will be highlighted.