2012 - 2013
School on Stochastic Processes in Engineering
March 11 - 15, 2013
This workshop, to be held in Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, during
March 11-16, 2013, will focus on application of probability and stochastic processes
to selected disciplines in engineering, specically, control, communications and opera-
tions research. It is directed towards advanced undergraduates and graduate students
as well as young faculty working in these areas and seeking exposure to latest devel -
opments, current thrust areas and new techniques that could potentially help their
research. Familiarity with probability theory and high mathematical maturity are
prerequisites. Broadly, the focus will be on modeling and optimization. Some topics
that will be touched upon, though not exclusively so, are: recent developments in
stochastic simulation and simulation based optimization, learning algorithms, queu-
ing systems, stochastic networks arising in communications and social networks, and
so on. The format will be that of 1-5 focused lectures by international experts. A
tentative list of speakers who have expressed interest is: Sean Meyn (Uni. of Florida,
Gainsville, USA), Alexandre Proutiere (KTH, Sweden), Kavita Ramanan (Brown
Uni., USA), Ravi Mazumdar (Uni. of Waterloo, Canada), Rajesh Sundaresan (IISc,
India), Nahum Shimkin (Technion, Israel).