Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560 012






Dr. Abhinav Kumar



Microsoft research


Subject Area






Lecture Hall - III, Dept of Mathematics




4.00 pm




December 19, 2006 (Tuesday)



Universally optimal distribution of points on spheres
Abstract :
Among the various characterizations of ``dense" sphere packings in Euclidean space,
 or ``dense" spherical codes, we may consider configurations of points which minimize 
potential energy for a suitable repulsive potential. For instance, we can try to minimize the
function $f(C,k) = \sum\limits_{x\neq y \in C} d(x,y)^{-k}$, for $C \subset S^{n-1} \subset 
\mathbb{R}^n$ a spherical code of fixed size $N$ (here $d(x,y)$ is the usual Euclidean 
distance between $x$ and $y$). We find a large class of spherical codes which are optimal for
every positive value of $k$ (and indeed, for a larger class of potentials), and show their 
uniqueness in many cases. Our techniques involve linear programming bounds and build on  
those of Kolushov and Yudin and of Andreev. We also conjecture that $A_2, E_8$ and the
Leech lattice are optimal for a large class of potentials, among all periodic configurations 
of the same density. This is joint work with Henry Cohn.

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