Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560 012






 Michael Dritschel 
Affiliation : Newcastle University, UK

Subject Area






Lecture Hall I, Department of Mathematics




4.00 p.m.- 5.00 p.m.




April25, 2011 (Monday)



"Noncommutative analogues of the Fej\'er-Riesz Theorem"


The classical Fej\'er-Riesz Theorem states that a nonnegative trigonometric polynomial can be factored as the absolute square of an analytic polynomial. Indeed, the factorization can be done with an outer polynomial. Various generalizations of this result have been considered. For example, Rosenblum showed that the result remained true for operator valued trigonometric polynomials. If one instead considers operator valued polynomials in several variables, one obtains factorization results for strictly positive polynomials, though outer factorizations become much more problematic. In another direction, Scott McCullough proved a factorization result for so-called hereditary trigonometric polynomials in freely noncommuting variables (strict positivity not needed). In this talk we consider an analogue of (hereditary) trigonometric polynomials over discrete groups, and give a result which includes a strict form of McCullough's theorem as well as the multivariable version of Rosenblum's theorem.