

Instances For
    Instances For

      Return some ?m if u is of the form ?m + k. Return none if u does not contain universe metavariables. Throw exception otherwise.

      Instances For

        Auxiliary function for updateResultingUniverse accLevel u r rOffset add u to state if it is not already there and it is different from the resulting universe level r+rOffset.

        If u is a max, then its components are recursively processed. If u is a succ and rOffset > 0, we process the us child using rOffset-1.

        This method is used to infer the resulting universe level of an inductive datatype.

        Instances For

          Auxiliary function for updateResultingUniverse accLevelAtCtor ctor ctorParam r rOffset add u (ctorParam's universe) to state if it is not already there and it is different from the resulting universe level r+rOffset.

          See accLevel.

          Instances For
            def Lean.Elab.Command.withCtorRef {m : TypeType} {α : Type} [Monad m] [Lean.MonadRef m] (views : Array Lean.Elab.Command.InductiveView) (ctorName : Lake.Name) (k : m α) :
            m α

            Execute k using the Syntax reference associated with constructor ctorName.

            Instances For