The action of a bifunctor on homological complexes #
Given a bifunctor F : C₁ ⥤ C₂ ⥤ D
and complexes shapes c₁ : ComplexShape I₁
c₂ : ComplexShape I₂
, we define a bifunctor mapBifunctorHomologicalComplex F c₁ c₂
of type HomologicalComplex C₁ c₁ ⥤ HomologicalComplex C₂ c₂ ⥤ HomologicalComplex₂ D c₁ c₂
Then, when K₁ : HomologicalComplex C₁ c₁
, K₂ : HomologicalComplex C₂ c₂
c : ComplexShape J
are such that we have TotalComplexShape c₁ c₂ c
, we introduce
a typeclass HasMapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F c
which allows to define
mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F c : HomologicalComplex D c
as the total complex of the
bicomplex (((F.mapBifunctorHomologicalComplex c₁ c₂).obj K₁).obj K₂)
Auxiliary definition for mapBifunctorHomologicalComplex
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Instances For
Given a functor F : C₁ ⥤ C₂ ⥤ D
, this is the bifunctor which sends
K₁ : HomologicalComplex C₁ c₁
and K₂ : HomologicalComplex C₂ c₂
to the bicomplex
which is degree (i₁, i₂)
consists of (F.obj (K₁.X i₁)).obj (K₂.X i₂)
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Instances For
The condition that ((F.mapBifunctorHomologicalComplex c₁ c₂).obj K₁).obj K₂
a total complex.
- HomologicalComplex.HasMapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F c = HomologicalComplex₂.HasTotal (((CategoryTheory.Functor.mapBifunctorHomologicalComplex F c₁ c₂).obj K₁).obj K₂) c
Instances For
Given K₁ : HomologicalComplex C₁ c₁
, K₂ : HomologicalComplex C₂ c₂
a bifunctor F : C₁ ⥤ C₂ ⥤ D
and a complex shape ComplexShape J
such that we have
[TotalComplexShape c₁ c₂ c]
, this mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F c : HomologicalComplex D c
is the total complex of the bicomplex obtained by applying F
to K₁
and K₂
- HomologicalComplex.mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F c = HomologicalComplex₂.total (((CategoryTheory.Functor.mapBifunctorHomologicalComplex F c₁ c₂).obj K₁).obj K₂) c
Instances For
The inclusion of a summand of (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F c).X j
- HomologicalComplex.ιMapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F c i₁ i₂ j h = HomologicalComplex₂.ιTotal (((CategoryTheory.Functor.mapBifunctorHomologicalComplex F c₁ c₂).obj K₁).obj K₂) c i₁ i₂ j h
Instances For
The inclusion of a summand of (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F c).X j
, or zero.
- HomologicalComplex.ιMapBifunctorOrZero K₁ K₂ F c i₁ i₂ j = HomologicalComplex₂.ιTotalOrZero (((CategoryTheory.Functor.mapBifunctorHomologicalComplex F c₁ c₂).obj K₁).obj K₂) c i₁ i₂ j
Instances For
The morphism mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F c ⟶ mapBifunctor L₁ L₂ F c
induced by
morphisms of complexes K₁ ⟶ L₁
and K₂ ⟶ L₂
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