Fourier transform on Schwartz functions #
This file will construct the Fourier transform as a continuous linear map acting on Schwartz functions.
For now, it only contains the fact that the Fourier transform of a Schwartz function is
differentiable, with an explicit derivative given by a Fourier transform. See
Multiplication by a linear map on Schwartz space: for f : D → V
a Schwartz function and L
bilinear map from D × E
to ℝ
, we define a new Schwartz function on D
taking values in the
space of linear maps from E
to V
, given by
(VectorFourier.fourierSMulRightSchwartz L f) (v) = -(2 * π * I) • L (v, ⬝) • f v
The point of this definition is that the derivative of the Fourier transform of f
is the
Fourier transform of VectorFourier.fourierSMulRightSchwartz L f
Instances For
The Fourier transform of a Schwartz map f
has a Fréchet derivative (everywhere in its domain)
and its derivative is the Fourier transform of the Schwartz map mul_L_schwartz L f