Morphisms of localizers #
A morphism of localizers consists of a functor F : C₁ ⥤ C₂
two categories equipped with morphism properties W₁
and W₂
that F
sends morphisms in W₁
to morphisms in W₂
If Φ : LocalizerMorphism W₁ W₂
, and that L₁ : C₁ ⥤ D₁
and L₂ : C₂ ⥤ D₂
are localization functors for W₁
and W₂
, the induced functor D₁ ⥤ D₂
is denoted Φ.localizedFunctor L₁ L₂
; we introduce the condition
which expresses that this functor is an equivalence
of categories. This condition is independent of the choice of the
localized categories.
References #
- [Bruno Kahn and Georges Maltsiniotis, Structures de dérivabilité][KahnMaltsiniotis2008]
If W₁ : MorphismProperty C₁
and W₂ : MorphismProperty C₂
, a LocalizerMorphism W₁ W₂
is the datum of a functor C₁ ⥤ C₂
which sends morphisms in W₁
to morphisms in W₂
- functor : CategoryTheory.Functor C₁ C₂
a functor between the two categories
- map : W₁ ⊆ CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.inverseImage W₂ self.functor
the functor is compatible with the
Instances For
The identity functor as a morphism of localizers.
- W₁ = { functor := C₁, map := ⋯ }
Instances For
The composition of two localizers morphisms.
- CategoryTheory.LocalizerMorphism.comp Φ Ψ = { functor := CategoryTheory.Functor.comp Φ.functor Ψ.functor, map := ⋯ }
Instances For
When Φ : LocalizerMorphism W₁ W₂
and that L₁
and L₂
are localization functors
for W₁
and W₂
, then Φ.localizedFunctor L₁ L₂
is the induced functor on the
localized categories. -
- CategoryTheory.LocalizerMorphism.localizedFunctor Φ L₁ L₂ = CategoryTheory.Localization.lift (CategoryTheory.Functor.comp Φ.functor L₂) ⋯ L₁
Instances For
- CategoryTheory.LocalizerMorphism.instLiftingCompFunctorLocalizedFunctor Φ L₁ L₂ = id inferInstance
The 2-commutative square expressing that Φ.localizedFunctor L₁ L₂
lifts the
functor Φ.functor
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
If a localizer morphism induces an equivalence on some choice of localized categories, it will be so for any choice of localized categoriees.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Condition that a LocalizerMorphism
induces an equivalence on the localized categories
- nonempty_isEquivalence : Nonempty (CategoryTheory.IsEquivalence (CategoryTheory.LocalizerMorphism.localizedFunctor Φ (CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.Q W₁) (CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.Q W₂)))
the induced functor on the constructed localized categories is an equivalence
If a LocalizerMorphism
is a localized equivalence, then any compatible functor
between the localized categories is an equivalence.
Instances For
If a LocalizerMorphism
is a localized equivalence, then the induced functor on
the localized categories is an equivalence
When Φ : LocalizerMorphism W₁ W₂
, if the composition Φ.functor ⋙ L₂
is a
localization functor for W₁
, then Φ
is a localized equivalence.
When the underlying functor Φ.functor
of Φ : LocalizerMorphism W₁ W₂
an equivalence of categories and that W₁
and W₂
essentially correspond to each
other via this equivalence, then Φ
is a localized equivalence.