Exterior Algebras #
We construct the exterior algebra of a module M
over a commutative semiring R
Notation #
The exterior algebra of the R
-module M
is denoted as ExteriorAlgebra R M
It is endowed with the structure of an R
The n
th exterior power of the R
-module M
is denoted by exteriorPower R n M
it is of type Submodule R (ExteriorAlgebra R M)
and defined as
LinearMap.range (ExteriorAlgebra.ι R : M →ₗ[R] ExteriorAlgebra R M) ^ n
We also introduce the notation ⋀[R]^n M
for exteriorPower R n M
Given a linear morphism f : M → A
from a module M
to another R
-algebra A
, such that
cond : ∀ m : M, f m * f m = 0
, there is a (unique) lift of f
to an R
-algebra morphism,
which is denoted ExteriorAlgebra.lift R f cond
The canonical linear map M → ExteriorAlgebra R M
is denoted ExteriorAlgebra.ι R
Theorems #
The main theorems proved ensure that ExteriorAlgebra R M
satisfies the universal property
of the exterior algebra.
is the fact that the composition ofι R
withlift R f cond
agrees withf
ensures the uniqueness oflift R f cond
with respect to 1.
Definitions #
is theAlternatingMap
corresponding to the wedge product ofι R m
Implementation details #
The exterior algebra of M
is constructed as simply CliffordAlgebra (0 : QuadraticForm R M)
as this avoids us having to duplicate API.
The exterior algebra of an R
-module M
- ExteriorAlgebra R M = CliffordAlgebra 0
Instances For
The canonical linear map M →ₗ[R] ExteriorAlgebra R M
Instances For
Definition of the n
th exterior power of a R
-module N
. We introduce the notation
⋀[R]^n M
for exteriorPower R n M
- ⋀[R]^n M = LinearMap.range (ExteriorAlgebra.ι R) ^ n
Instances For
Definition of the n
th exterior power of a R
-module N
. We introduce the notation
⋀[R]^n M
for exteriorPower R n M
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
As well as being linear, ι m
squares to zero.
Given a linear map f : M →ₗ[R] A
into an R
-algebra A
, which satisfies the condition:
cond : ∀ m : M, f m * f m = 0
, this is the canonical lift of f
to a morphism of R
from ExteriorAlgebra R M
to A
- ExteriorAlgebra.lift R = (Equiv.subtypeEquiv (Equiv.refl (M →ₗ[R] A)) ⋯).trans (CliffordAlgebra.lift 0)
Instances For
See note [partially-applied ext lemmas].
If C
holds for the algebraMap
of r : R
into ExteriorAlgebra R M
, the ι
of x : M
and is preserved under addition and muliplication, then it holds for all of ExteriorAlgebra R M
The left-inverse of algebraMap
- ExteriorAlgebra.algebraMapInv = (ExteriorAlgebra.lift R) { val := 0, property := ⋯ }
Instances For
Invertibility in the exterior algebra is the same as invertibility of the base ring.
- ExteriorAlgebra.invertibleAlgebraMapEquiv M r = invertibleEquivOfLeftInverse (algebraMap R (ExteriorAlgebra R M)) ExteriorAlgebra.algebraMapInv r ⋯
Instances For
The canonical map from ExteriorAlgebra R M
into TrivSqZeroExt R M
that sends
to TrivSqZeroExt.inr
- ExteriorAlgebra.toTrivSqZeroExt = (ExteriorAlgebra.lift R) { val := TrivSqZeroExt.inrHom R M, property := ⋯ }
Instances For
The left-inverse of ι
As an implementation detail, we implement this using TrivSqZeroExt
which has a suitable
algebra structure.
- ExteriorAlgebra.ιInv = LinearMap.comp (TrivSqZeroExt.sndHom R M) (AlgHom.toLinearMap ExteriorAlgebra.toTrivSqZeroExt)
Instances For
The generators of the exterior algebra are disjoint from its scalars.
The product of n
terms of the form ι R m
is an alternating map.
This is a special case of MultilinearMap.mkPiAlgebraFin
, and the exterior algebra version of
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The image of ExteriorAlgebra.ιMulti R n
is contained in the n
th exterior power.
The image of ExteriorAlgebra.ιMulti R n
spans the n
th exterior power, as a submodule
of the exterior algebra.
Given a linearly ordered family v
of vectors of M
and a natural number n
, produce the
family of n
fold exterior products of elements of v
, seen as members of the exterior algebra.
- ExteriorAlgebra.ιMulti_family R n v s = (ExteriorAlgebra.ιMulti R n) fun (i : Fin n) => v ↑((Finset.orderIsoOfFin ↑s ⋯) i)
Instances For
An ExteriorAlgebra
over a nontrivial ring is nontrivial.
- ⋯ = ⋯
Functoriality of the exterior algebra.
The morphism of exterior algebras induced by a linear map.
- ExteriorAlgebra.map f = CliffordAlgebra.map { toLinearMap := f, map_app' := ⋯ }
Instances For
For a linear map f
from M
to N
ExteriorAlgebra.map g
is a retraction of ExteriorAlgebra.map f
is a retraction of f
A morphism of modules that admits a linear retraction induces an injective morphism of exterior algebras.
A morphism of modules is surjective if and only the morphism of exterior algebras that it induces is surjective.
An injective morphism of vector spaces induces an injective morphism of exterior algebras.
The canonical image of the TensorAlgebra
in the ExteriorAlgebra
, which maps
TensorAlgebra.ι R x
to ExteriorAlgebra.ι R x
- TensorAlgebra.toExterior = (TensorAlgebra.lift R) (ExteriorAlgebra.ι R)