Galois group of cyclotomic extensions #
In this file, we show the relationship between the Galois group of K(ζₙ)
and (ZMod n)ˣ
it is always a subgroup, and if the n
th cyclotomic polynomial is irreducible, they are isomorphic.
Main results #
is injective in the case that it's considered over a cyclotomic field extension.IsCyclotomicExtension.autEquivPow
: If then
th cyclotomic polynomial is irreducible inK
, thenIsPrimitiveRoot.autToPow
is aMulEquiv
(for example, inℚ
and certain𝔽ₚ
: RepackageIsCyclotomicExtension.autEquivPow
in terms ofPolynomial.Gal
: Cyclotomic extensions are abelian.
References #
- We currently can get away with the fact that the power of a primitive root is a primitive root,
but the correct long-term solution for computing other explicit Galois groups is creating
; but figuring out the exact correct assumptions + proof for this is mathematically nontrivial. (Current thoughts: the correct condition is that the annihilating ideal of both elements is equal. This may not hold in an ID, and definitely holds in an ICD.)
is injective in the case that it's considered over a cyclotomic
field extension.
Cyclotomic extensions are abelian.
- IsCyclotomicExtension.Aut.commGroup K = Function.Injective.commGroup ⇑(IsPrimitiveRoot.autToPow K ⋯) ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
The MulEquiv
that takes an automorphism f
to the element k : (ZMod n)ˣ
such that
f μ = μ ^ k
for any root of unity μ
. A strengthening of IsPrimitiveRoot.autToPow
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Maps μ
to the AlgEquiv
that sends IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta
to μ
- IsCyclotomicExtension.fromZetaAut hμ h = let hζ := ⋯; (MulEquiv.symm (IsCyclotomicExtension.autEquivPow L h)) (ZMod.unitOfCoprime (Exists.choose hζ) ⋯)
Instances For
repackaged in terms of gal
Asserts that the Galois group of cyclotomic n K
is equivalent to (ZMod n)ˣ
if cyclotomic n K
is irreducible in the base field.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
repackaged in terms of gal
Asserts that the Galois group of X ^ n - 1
is equivalent to (ZMod n)ˣ
if cyclotomic n K
is irreducible in the base field.
- galXPowEquivUnitsZMod h = MulEquiv.trans (MulEquiv.symm (AlgEquiv.autCongr (Polynomial.IsSplittingField.algEquiv L (Polynomial.X ^ ↑n - 1)))) (IsCyclotomicExtension.autEquivPow L h)