

Wedderburn's Little Theorem #

This file proves Wedderburn's Little Theorem.

Main Declarations #

Future work #

A couple simple generalisations are possible:

When alternativity is added to Mathlib, one could formalise the Artin-Zorn theorem, which states that any finite alternative division ring is in fact a field.

If interested, generalisations to semifields could be explored. The theory of semi-vector spaces is not clear, but assuming that such a theory could be found where every module considered in the below proof is free, then the proof works nearly verbatim.

instance littleWedderburn (D : Type u_1) [DivisionRing D] [Finite D] :

A finite division ring is a field. See Finite.isDomain_to_isField and Fintype.divisionRingOfIsDomain for more general statements, but these create data, and therefore may cause diamonds if used improperly.


Alias of littleWedderburn.

A finite division ring is a field. See Finite.isDomain_to_isField and Fintype.divisionRingOfIsDomain for more general statements, but these create data, and therefore may cause diamonds if used improperly.

Instances For
    theorem Finite.isDomain_to_isField (D : Type u_1) [Finite D] [Ring D] [IsDomain D] :

    A finite domain is a field. See also littleWedderburn and Fintype.divisionRingOfIsDomain.