

Given the function declaration decl, return some idx if it is of the form

f y :=
  ... /- This part is not bigger than smallThreshold. -/
  cases y
  | ... => ...

idx is the index of the parameter used in the cases statement.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
  • Parameter index returned by isJpCases?. This parameter is the one the join point is performing the case-split.

    paramIdx : Nat
  • Set of constructor names s.t. ctorName is in the set if there is a jump to the join point where the parameter paramIdx is a constructor application.

    ctorNames : Lean.NameSet

Information for join points that satisfy isJpCases?

Instances For

    Return true if the collected information suggests opportunities for the JpCases optimization.


    Return a map containing entries jpFVarId ↦ { paramIdx, ctorNames } where jpFVarId is the id of join point in code that satisfies isJpCases, and ctorNames is a set of constructor names such that there is a jump .jmp jpFVarId #[..., x, ...] in code and x is a constructor application. paramIdx is the index of the parameter

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Try to optimize jpCases join points. We say a join point is a jpCases when it satifies the predicate isJpCases. If we have a jump to jpCases with a constructor, then we can optimize the code by creating an new join point for the constructor. Example: suppose we have

      jp _jp.1 y :=
        let x.1 := true
        cases y
        | nil => let x.2 := g x.1; return x.2
        | cons h t => let x.3 := h x.1; return x.3
      cases x.4
      | ctor1 =>
        let x.5 := cons z.1 z.2
        jmp _jp.1 x.5
      | ctor2 =>
        let x.6 := f x.4
        jmp _jp.1 x.6

      This simpJpCases? converts it to

      jp _jp.2 h t :=
        let x.1 := true
        let x.3 := h x.1
        return x.3
      jp _jp.1 y :=
        let x.1 := true
        cases y
        | nil => let x.2 := g x.1; return x.2
        | cons h t => jmp _jp.2 h t
      cases x.4
      | ctor1 =>
        -- The constructor has been eliminated here
        jmp _jp.2 z.1 z.2
      | ctor2 =>
        let x.6 := f x.4
        jmp _jp.1 x.6

      Note that if all jumps to the join point are with constructors, then the join point is eliminated as dead code.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.