Remark: MonadQuotation
class is part of the Init
package and loaded by default since it is used in the builtin command macro
Simplistic MonadQuotation that does not guarantee globally fresh names, that
is, between different runs of this or other MonadQuotation implementations.
It is only safe if the syntax quotations do not introduce bindings around
antiquotations, and if references to globals are prefixed with _root_.
(which is not allowed to refer to a local variable)
can also be seen as a model implementation of MonadQuotation
(since it is completely hygienic as long as it is "run" only once and can
assume that there are no other implentations in use, as is the case for the
elaboration monads that carry their macro scope state through the entire
processing of a file). It uses the state monad to query and allocate the
next macro scope, and uses the reader monad to store the stack of scopes
corresponding to withFreshMacroScope
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- x =' (x { ref := Lean.Syntax.missing, scope := Lean.firstFrontendMacroScope }) (Lean.firstFrontendMacroScope + 1)
- options : Lean.Options
~> 2 if we're already usingx✝
nameStem2Idx : Lean.NameMap Natx._hyg...
userName2Sanitized : Lean.NameMap Lean.Name
Instances For
Erase macro scopes from userName
and add "tombstone" + superscript (or ._hyg
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Lean.sanitizeSyntax stx = do let __do_lift ← get if Lean.getSanitizeNames __do_lift.options = true then Lean.sanitizeSyntaxAux stx else pure stx