Metabelian groups #
Metabelian groups are group extensions 1 → K → G → Q → 1
with both the kernel and the quotient Abelian.
Such an extension is determined by data:
- a group action of
by automorphisms - a cocyle
c: Q → Q → K
We define the cocycle condition and construct a group structure on a structure extending K × Q
The main step is to show that the cocyle condition implies associativity.
The multiplication operation defined using the cocycle. The cocycle condition is crucially used in showing associativity and other properties.
The identity element of the Metabelian group, which is the ordered pair of the identities of the individual groups.
- MetabelianGroup.e = (0, 0)
Some of the standard lemmas to show that K × Q
has the structure of a group with the above operations.
A group structure on K × Q
using the above multiplication operation.
- MetabelianGroup.metabelianGroup c = (_ : ∀ (g : K × Q), MetabelianGroup.mul c (MetabelianGroup.inv c g) g = MetabelianGroup.e)
Exactness #
A proof that the Metabelian group G
constructed as above indeed lies in middle of
the short exact sequence 1 → K → G → Q → 1
The inclusion map from the kernel to the Metabelian group.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
A proof that the inclusion map is injective.
- The projection map from the Metabelian group to the quotient.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
A proof that the projection map is surjective.
A proof that the image of the first map is the kernel of the second map.