About IFIM
IFIM Programme




IFIM is the acronym for Indo-French Institute of Mathematics, as well as Institut Franco-Indien de Mathématiques.

This Indo-French programme is aimed at fostering the long-standing association between the French and the Indian mathematical communities by developing a virtual network of mathematicians from both countries.

It was officially launched in September 2004 by Prof. V. S. Ramamurthy, then Secretary, DST, and by Prof. B. Larrouturou, Directeur général du CNRS, under the general Programme of Cooperation between India and France.

IFIM is thus an intergovernmental programme, co-funded by both the Indian and French governments.

•  Objectives •  Scope of the Cooperation •  Scientific Committee


The objectives of IFIM are to strengthen, diversify and promote the cooperation in mathematics, including applied mathematics, between India and France, and more specifically the exchange of young mathematicians between the two countries, at the pre-doctoral as well as post-doctoral levels and disseminate information on Indo-French Research conducted by IFIM.







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