Complexity Theory and Cryptography
August 2016 - July 2017
Complexity theory and cryptography are two fundamental areas of computer science with significant connections to mathematics. In recent years, both these areas have witnessed exciting developments. Some of those developments changed our perspectives on foundations as well as applications of these areas. The goal of the thematic year (August 2016 - July 2017) is to provide opportunities for active researchers in these areas to interact and to collaborate and to help newcomers to launch off their research activities in these areas. We hope activities during this year will catalyze longer term collaborations to enhance existing strengths and will nurture the next generation of strong researchers in these areas around India.
Workshops: Participation Invited
Activities during the year will include several workshops as indicated below. The workshops will include a mix of invited talks by eminent researchers, presentations and open problem sessions related to ongoing research, and focused tutorials. We invite participation by researchers with active interests in complexity theory and cryptography and young faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students aspiring to pursue research in these areas. Applications for participation can be submitted by visiting the web pages of the respective workshops.
Preliminary information on the workshops can be found below; some of this information is tentative, but will be finalized and links provided as details are confirmed.
- Authenticated Encryption, NAB-I, Kolmogorov Bhavan, ISI Kolkata.
(September 19 - 22, 2016)
- Workshop on Complexity Theory, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-GN), Gandhinagar.
( November 02 - 06, 2016)
- Perspectives on Complexity Theory and Cryptography, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.
( January 09 - 13, 2017)
- Workshop on Arithmetic Complexity, Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc).
(February 27 - March 03, 2017)
- Secure Multiparty Computation, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-B), Mumbai.
(School: March 27 - 29, 2017
Workshop: March 30 - 31, 2017 )
Steering Committee
- Manindra Agrawal, IIT Kanpur
- Shweta Agrawal, IIT Delhi
- Anirban Dasgupta, IIT Gandhinagar
- Arnab Bhattacharyya, IISc Bangalore
- Bhavana Kanukurti, IISc Bangalore
- Satya Lokam, Microsoft Research, Bangalore (Chair)
- Meena Mahajan, IMSc Chennai
- C. Pandurangan, IIT Madras
- Manoj Prabhakaran, IIT Mumbai
- Jaikumar Radhkrishnan, TIFR Mumbai
- Bimal Roy, ISI and R C Bose Center for Cryptology and Security, Kolkata
- Chandan Saha, IISc Bangalore
- Madhu Sudan, Harvard
- Vinod Vaikuntanathan, MIT