August 2012 - July 2013
Probability is a quantitative measure of randomness or chance. Since randomness
is all pervasive, probability plays an important role in all branches of science and engi-
neering. Limit theorems in probability e.g., the law of large numbers and the central
limit theorem play a centre stage in almost everything including weather forecasting,
psephology etc. In this context the year 2013 is a special year since it would mark
300 years of the law of large numbers.
Under the proposed thematic programme, we plan carry out training and research
in various areas of probability including random matrices, random geometric graphs,
percolation theory, heavy tailed distribution, controlled diusion processes etc.
In particular we plan to have the following programmes:
In addition to the above, we plan to organize a large number of compact courses
in various topics in probability. |